just wanted to apologize for my computer..it apparently got up around
4 am and started sending out spam messages through my yahoo acct and its still goin strong......
how do i stop this crap..any help would be helpful..
I have had this happen to me. Fortunately it only sent messages to the people on my contacts list in Yahoo and there weren't that many. Start with rebooting your computer. And after making sure your Definitions file is up to date. Perform a full Anti-Virus/Anti-Spyware scan. If you still have problems you can try Ad-Aware and/or Spybot which are free and downloadable from the Internet. Worse case senerio would be a full wipe and reload of the PC.
Maybe try contacting Yahoo?? They must see this a bazillion times a day. I've had it happen to me a couple times (not in over a year... thankfully) with my yahoo account... though I think Yahoo recognized they had security issues and did shore up their defenses. Obviously not well enough though. I feel your pain, Nita...
An fyi for anyone who may have this problem in the future.
Just like your email account was sending spam, I was receiving it from party/parties that I communicate with through an email group.
Here’s what I did: I disabled/closed my Yahoo account for a week. When you do this, you have the option to activate it again within a certain period of time. I then re-activated, and the previously received spam no longer appeared. This may work for an account sending spam too.
To learn how to disable/close a Yahoo Mail account just enter a search on Yahoo for instructions.