seems only fair

I have clients from P411 that are also on ECCIE. THey ask me for and OK when they leave which I am almost always willing to do.....
doesn't it seem fair that they write me a nice review? I am helping them on their end.......I should get help on my end as well........seems only fair
I know what you mean. I cant stand it when someone on p411 expects an okay from me but doesnt bother to return it. kinda different but I know what you mean though
Vyvian's Avatar
I completely agree!
...or how bout the old friends who see u regularly/very often that gave reviews on other providers but still after a long time(months/years) never gave their "favorite girl" one?-that's kinda mean
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Ladies, have you tried asking them to write review?

I will write one if asked.

Some providers want more reviews and some don't, and I have had my head bitten off for writing one when a provider did not want one.
I have men say ALL the time "oh Ill give you a review in the next day or so" and never get the review. Then they come back to see me so I know its not because they had a bad time. Same thing with the p411 okays.
Sometimes we don't know if you want a review until you come out and ask for one. Sometimes the sessions feel so real that you don't want to share. This could be your case Ms Vyvian.

Some girls don't want reviews. After one session, I PM'd the girl on 411 if she wanted a review and never heard back, so figured it wasn't important to her.
It could also be that maybe the session that you may have thought went well may not have lived up to the expectations of the client. As we have seen in the past, if a well-known and (up to then) well-reviewed provider gets a "No" recommendation, her white knights crawl out of the woodwork defending the other positive reviews and the provider's reputation (see the post on "why do reviewers argue amongst themselves?"). Knowing that, it doesn't make sense to go through the grief from the other members of the board by giving a review if the recommendation is a "No".

Also, I didn't think that clients could give an "OK" to a provider on P411 - only providers can do that for clients. It doesn't take much effort for a provider to give a client an OK, but it does take some effort to write a review. especially if the client expects to get credit for the review.
growler's Avatar
Interesting outlook. I can understand your viewpoint, and I've been told it's slower than normal right now.......I agree nothing helps your business like a recent review, but although you haven't had a review in 40 days Angel. You do have 54, and Destiny I see that you have 40 yourself. With one just this last Monday. So it isn't like either one of you aren't well reviewed.

You are right, that with each okay you give a guy, you help make it easier for him to see another lady. But doesn't each okay you give also help other providers as well...I could be wrong about this,but don't you get points for each okay that you give. That can be used for various things such as "Top Listing"

Now I admit I haven't written a review in close to 3 years, but who knows I might write one again one of these days lol. My view is, isn't a desire to come visit a lady. Than possible to return again, and again lol. The most important thing?
I've had guys ask me to update their okay on P411 and they would see me in the next week or so. I'm like, "Um, no."
We do get points for every okay we give, then we can use the points to "buy" different things for advertising etc.
I think if you want a review, definitely request one because men can't read our minds. lol. As much as they may wish to.
If they don't write you a review and they have said they would, yet keep coming back for appointments, you can refuse to see them until they honor their end of the agreement, only if you are prepared to lose the client for good though, because that is a very real possibility.
pmdelites's Avatar
I have clients from P411 that are also on ECCIE. THey ask me for and OK when they leave which I am almost always willing to do.....
doesn't it seem fair that they write me a nice review? I am helping them on their end.......I should get help on my end as well........seems only fair Originally Posted by Angel in KC
angel, yes it would seem fair for the guy to write a review if you give him an OK on p411.

but that's not reality. and there's not much you can do to change or control his writing or not writing a review.

some guys will write one as soon as they get to the internet.
some guys will write one days or weeks afterwards.
some guys will never write one.
some guys will promise one but never intend to.
some guys will promise but just never get around to it.
some guys will not promise and say maybe.
plus a gazilion other permutations.

however, if a guy asked for a P411 OK and you in turn asked him for a review [and for him to send you a link to it or where it's at],
i would not consider that unfair.

it's up to you whether or not you want to make the OK conditional on the existence of the review on whatever review site.

if you get one, great. if you dont get one, great.
imho, lack of one review should make or break a provider's business or spirit.

what really matters to me about a provider is her behavior before, during, and after the encounter: her ads & posts, her TCB, her attitude, her skills, her followup [if any].

disclaimer: i'm generally lazy and take a while to write reviews. mainly cos they're 1-3 scrolls of "Rest of the Story" [BCD] (depending on browser window size and screen resolution). of my 35, only 3 were truly NOs [the other NOs were tongue-in-cheek recommendations, those encounters were truly deliteful].
I have no problem with people who dont like to write reviews..
I just dont like it when someone says they will but have no intentions of doing so.
Also, if it is because they didnt have a good time, I would hope the guy would let me know personally..
Kinda off topic, but:
If you SAY you are having a good time but really aren't, How should I know?
All you have to do is let me know so that I can do something to IMPROVE my performance.
That's one thing I don't like about the reviews being partially private.
If there are things we are doing wrong and I cant SEE it and nobody TELLS me they feel that way during a session then it makes it difficult to figure out what it is LOL
I think informing the provider on what you would like to see different gives the provider the opportunity to either change how she is doing it, or just keep doing it her way lol
sorry for my ramble, just some thoughts
Giving a quick OK is much much less work than writing a lengthy review.
I agree!