
Yankee457's Avatar
How do you leave a referral?
CryptKicker's Avatar
On the home page, under the main menu options, there is a link called "Invite a Friend".

The person clicks that and fills in the email address of the friend and an email is sent to that person. There is a link in the email and if that person signs up using the link the original person get a "referral" on his record.

You don't get anything for the referral but a pat on the back, but its a fun way to bring people to the site.
Yankee457's Avatar
Thank you for the reply. I am new to this board and I guess what I am trying to find out is if there is a way that a provider could leave a recommendation. This way when I am asked since I am new I could direct them to the review. Hope this makes seance.
CryptKicker's Avatar
It does make sense. When you do a review of a lady it shows up on your profile that you have done so and it also is assigned to the lady's profile. Most of the providers on this board will gladly share their experience with you to someone else that you are wanting to see as a provider reference.