So what literary character would you like to swive?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Oh, I don't know. I asked this question several years back and got some interesting answers.

Someone else start. Please!

OK, EW, you got me! I had to look this up:
swive [ swīv ] (past and past participle swived, present participle swiv·ing, 3rd person present singular swives)

transitive and intransitive verb
Definition: have sex with somebody: to have sexual intercourse with somebody ( archaic )

[ Old English swīfan "to sweep" < Germanic]
Any virgin sacrificed by the Aztecs
Others, but I have to revisit this thread.

And not necessarily in that order.
Not a character, but a playwright. Sam Shepard. I hope that counts Ms Whispers.
Gryphon's Avatar
In ascending order of assertiveness:

Haydee from The Count of Monte Cristo
Eliza from Neal Stephenson's The Baroque Cycle
Ayesha (She Who Must Be Obeyed) from H. Rider Haggard's She
Anita Blake (Laurell K. Hamilton's character)
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Not a character, but a playwright. Sam Shepard. I hope that counts Ms Whispers. Originally Posted by Ansley
Sure. I'm feeling easy tonight. But if we were standing in line for that one ... I'd push you over the curb.

Sure. I'm feeling easy tonight. But if we were standing in line for that one ... I'd push you over the curb.

EW Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I know you would. That's why I would be ready for you. Now back off!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
OK, EW, you got me! I had to look this up:

Any virgin sacrificed by the Aztecs
Others, but I have to revisit this thread.

And not necessarily in that order. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
So you like your literary swives to be either Biblical or in some way religiously based? You know, I have this somewhat unnatural attraction for guys who remind me of Friar Tuck. I'm somewhat serious!

aRandyOne's Avatar
Temperance Brennan of Kathy Reichs' novels. I love a woman with a brain.
Anna Karenina
Hester Prynne
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I know you would. That's why I would be ready for you. Now back off! Originally Posted by Ansley
I believe that we've bickered about this before. Let's just think of you being the dessert and I could be the main course. That would be a good compromise, don't you think?

Damn, that man is something.

But literary characters. I might be willing to be seduced by Ares or Hercules. I like the idea of NOT being able to say no, so Dracula would work on some level.

If I wished to segue into cartoon characters, I wonder if you said yes to Pepe Le Pue, would he would run?

I suppose I am showing my age but Elizabeth Taylor's depiction of Cleopatra still sends a shiver up my spine! Both Liz and Cleo are awarded a BT thumbs up!!!
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 08-02-2010, 10:06 PM
Any of the women drawn by Frazetta.
Traveler64's Avatar
Despite many hours dissecting literary classics it was good old fashion TV that first set the sensual hook in me.

Salome (and the dance of the seven veils)
And God Created Woman (Bridgett Bardot)
Any bawdy, busty 1700-1800 British wench with cleavage (e.g. as in 'Tom Jones')
Many of the ladies painted by Dutch artists
And my all time favorite literary character - Fanny Hill. I must have read (certain pages) hundreds of times!
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Sir Richard F Burton's heroine.....

Scheherazade, story teller extraordinaire.

.....anyway as I was googling about for Scheherazade, if found this link if anyone is interested.
  • Bliss
  • 08-02-2010, 11:11 PM
Based solely on my reading experience and not the films.....

Thomas Jordache - Rich Man Poor Man
The dude from the French Lieutenant's Woman - too many yrs since I read that one I don't remember his name.
Yuri - Dr Zhivago
Heathcliff of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

Fitzwilliam Darcy of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice