Just to be fair...

"Another less than positive review of Texas Models. I hope this hobbyist doesn't get flamed like the one who gave a similar review of one of their providers. I have nothing against the agency and, in fact, might actually be inclined to investigate this lady further based on some of the things he says in his review. But there's no photos to gauge that assessment. So you see, a bad review doesn't necessarily lead to a boycott, but it is informative. So WKs can now aim and fire. But thanks for a honest review." -Gonzo DFW

Dear mister Gonzo DFW, where exactly are all of these "less than positive review of Texas Models" at?

And which hobbyist got "flamed" who gave a "similar review of one of their models"?

Can you please provide me with links to all of these less than positive reviews and flames that you mention in your post? I've searched high and low and I can't seem to find what you're talking about.

For reference purposes I'm posting links to all of the reviews our agency has received in the short time we've been around.

Sorry we're not batting 1000 but we definitely are trying.

Cheers to all and let's keep the good energy flowing!!

21 "yes" reviews

2 "no" reviews
Say it isn't so Gonzo?
For the record, 2 "No" reviews out of a total of 23 is NOT an admirable record. There are many, many, many providers on this board who have far more reviews without a single ""No." They set the standard, and 21 of 23 doesn't come close to meeting it. Also, realize that not all "Yes" reviews are completely positive. The most significant info to hobbyists usually rests somewhere above the recommendation in the ROS.

Pardon my intrusion, since you were gunning for Gonzo. But those are my thoughts, for what little (if anything) they might be worth....

Chung Tran's Avatar
without hunting for the thread, I recall one "yes" recommendation that I would have given a "no" based on activities presented.... as was stated, the real truth doesn't lie in a yes/no recommendation, it's in the ROS, and the point of the ROS is to allow us to make up our own minds

but everyone here already knows that
I definitely understand where you guys are coming from.

I will say this about Vanessa. She's the only girl we've ever worked with (and we've worked with alot over the years) who comes out of a session gushing about how much she liked the client and how much she enjoyed the sex. And I'm talking about clients who the other girls claim they can't stand. It sort of baffles me but I figure hey, if she genuinely likes it more power to her. Despite her rough start I still expect her to become pretty popular, but only time will tell.

And may I also add, Samseis requested an hour long session at 5:00pm. I had to tell him no less than FIVE TIMES that Vanessa could only do a 30 minute session at 5:00 because she has to leave the incall by 5:30 due to personal obligations. What does he do? He shows up FIFTEEN MINUTES LATE. We were literally seconds away from cancelling the appointment by the time he arrived. She told us that Samseis was bothered by the fact that he wasn't able to overstay his 30 minute session. And due to his inconsideration the poor girl barely had time to take a quick shower and speed through traffic to get home to take care of her personal affairs.

There are always two sides to every story. But of course everybody knows that.

We're now in the process of securing a bigger, nicer incall so that we can start bringing some of Houston's finest to visit. So hopefully all of that works out.

Peace, love, happiness to all!
Okay, now you've called out Gonzo AND Samseis.

Interestin' approach to marketin'.....
I am taking what appears to be a minority stance, but gotta say something. I just recently became a client of Tx Models and have had two stellar sessions with Amber. Ramon set up the appointments without a hitch, the sessions occurred at the appointed time, and I walked /crawled away with a smile. The only negative was the incall, and he's listened to his feedback and is addressing that issue with a new incall. I'm impressed enough that I'll continue as a repeat client as long as the welcome mat is out.
TinMan's Avatar
Don't know anything about this agency, but the willingness to confront issues in public is a nice change from the usual management tactic of "duck and cover".
Good point TM. And being able to confront without being confrontational is admirable.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
The women that are currently with you are all outstanding and I would be more then happy to see each of them....Please keep up the good work...
Lucky 1's Avatar
Used this outfit the last time I was in Dallas (outcall with America) and was pleased as hell! Screener Dude (Ramon) handles things in a very professional manner and it all went very smooth...I'll be in Dallas in a month or so and plan to use there services again
I've not seen any of these ladies yet, but the person who is representing them on here seems very reasonable and direct in his responses. I don't think he's "calling anyone out" and is actually just defending what happened in a rational manner, and I actually appreciate someone who does that. I have no dog in this hunt but I might need to do a little more research into these ladies.
TinMan's Avatar
I'm with you jfdallas. I stay away from agencies as a general rule, but if they're upfront and handle themselves in a professional manner, I'm willing to reconsider that bias.
Tx Models has gone dark.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Texas Models -- need I say more? I don't think so. In fact, in direct answer to Texas Models -- you might notice no name is given -- I said in my post that this was another negative review. I didn't say reviews of the agency were overwhelmingly bad, just that this was one more. The purpose of my post, which escapes the intelligentsia at Texas Models, wasn't against the agency. It was an effort to minimize the flame-throwing at the hobbyist who posted it. I also noted that a negative review wouldn't necessarily disqualify their models for a prospective visit from Gonzo. I don't remember which reviewer just got torched by both WKs and a few providers for writing a negative review of one of their providers, but as I remember it was about "making good" on a negative experience. So my post wasn't vs. Texas Models, it was versus those who would crawl out of the woodwork to blast the hobbyist for posting an honest review. Leave it to Texas Models to try and skewer a hobbyist -- in this case, me and/or samesis -- in an effort to obscure the focus from any negative reviews they've received. So, Tara, I know what you mean and don't take it as a slam. If it is, so be it. But I'm not taking it that way. But what I am saying is, IT AIN'T SO! You guys like 'em, fine; go see 'em. There's WKs aplenty just in this one thread. But guys, just do me one favor, post an honest review. And if you see another negative review, don't flame out on the reviewer. One more thing: it's not generally a very good marketing tactic to draw attention to negative reviews.But there's obviously no sharp knives in the Texas Models drawer. I have to admit, though -- Mister Gonzo! Gotta respect the man -- I assume it's a man -- for recognizing my innate superiority and sense of justice. Smoke 'em if you got 'em. I'll be in the area all day.