Our founders had one large complaint against the crown of England; taxation without representation. The colonists were forced to pay taxes but did not have a voice in the English Parliment over how those taxes were to be spent. It is hard to argue that they were wrong. If you have to pay then you should have a say in where those taxes go.
It is easy to make the opposite case; people who don't pay taxes should not be involved in the process to award that money. Some will want to erroneously argue that this is about race but that would be so wrong. It is about having skin in the game or being a stakeholder. If you are black, white, or yellow and pay your taxes then you are a stake holder. There are more people in the U.S. who are white that don't pay federal taxes than anyone else. No, there is no racial design here, it is money.
So I would propose that if you cannot prove a payment, any payment, of federal taxes then you should not be voting. The states can take of themselves. One could surmise that someone who pays one million dollars in taxes should have more say than someone who pays ten thousand dollars in taxes. There could be some truth in that. Hypothetically, a country who has one large taxpayer who pays 99.9% of all the taxes maybe should have more say than one of those who cover the other .1%. I can point to those like Supreme Court nominee Lani Guinier who believed in cumulative voting. The votes of all blacks (or asians or eskimos) would be equivalent to all the votes of the white people. In other words the black people making up 16% of the population would have each vote count for about 5.1 votes each. So it has been proposed for other reasons. She was wrong about that and it would be wrong to ration voting according to wealth.
It is unworkable. What is standard? $100, $1,000, or $100, 000? If you made a single dollar the standard then Bill Gates could have many millions of votes. Remember, it is based on taxes and not wealth. I think it is best just to say that if you pay federal taxes then you may vote. That keeps it simple.
What say you?