ESPN Reporting, Brett Favre Retiring.......Again.

TexRich's Avatar
I guess its that time of the year, LOL. I like him, but even his fans are getting sick of this.

slims099's Avatar
Me too dude. Sick of it. Just please retire and leave your legacy somewhere. Should have been at Green Bay!
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 08-03-2010, 04:24 PM
I'll never understand how a guy with 1 super bowl win got himself all this attention. Favre has lost a lot more big games with late interceptions than he's won.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Maybe he's been reading the Dallas coed and figured what the hell, there are so many others retiring why not make an announcement?
Can you imagine if he joined eccie as a hobbiest? Asshole would be announcing he's "moving on" every third day.
TexRich's Avatar
I'll never understand how a guy with 1 super bowl win got himself all this attention. Favre has lost a lot more big games with late interceptions than he's won. Originally Posted by Fiero

perhaps because he has a lot of passing records that he broke, some were Dan Marino's
MarcVerma's Avatar
Can you imagine if he joined eccie as a hobbiest? Asshole would be announcing he's "moving on" every third day. Originally Posted by TexasT