International Travel - Taking a Provider

Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
If I have business meetings in London in September. Leaving on a Sunday, return the following Saturday. I want to take a provider I know and have seen on a few occasion. I have business meetings starting Monday through Thursday, so she would be left to her own desires and interest during the day. At least two business dinners are involved, possibly three.

I enjoy her company, she is a wonderful woman, but I am a widower, and these business associates in London have known me for a long time (as well my deceased wife), and they will be surprised to see me with anyone. So she is going to have to be fairly quick on her feet.

I do not want to make her uncomfortable or put her in a position where she gets boxed in or these business associates and their wives / SO get to nosey and it hurts my business. She is a beautiful woman, who although is way out of my league, is not so much different in age as to be a farce from the moment one.

I would provide all travel related expenses including hotels, meals, airfare, etc.

What would be the appropriate range of value for her time?
The hourly rate is inappropriate, but what rate is?
Should there be some consideration for getting to travel internationally?
How would you recommend discussing the idea so as to not offend?

Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Some logistics to consider...

1. Make sure passports are up to date.

2. Make sure provider in question has no outstanding warrants for unpaid tickets, etc.. If she does, she'll get nailed at the airport on your return.

3. Make sure you have your story straight. The English class system makes uptight Plano seem like a hippie commune.

Good luck & have fun!
berkleigh's Avatar
Yes good luck babe! Sounds like you need a fiesty unique woman! I will be curious to see who you choose! Enjoy and hope you two have a great time
You could approach it by a per-day cost, like $500/day. Or, depending on what she makes per week, offer her a flat rate. You are also paying for her to have a vacation basically as well, so that should be taken into consideration as well.

But really its hard to give you a firm number because there are so many variabls to consider. The biggest is how she sees a trip to the isles as your companion. If she is just in it for the money then she"ll probably want a big sum, so you are
probably looking at $5000. Can you write it off as a business expense? An independent contractor?
Is she just vacationing while you work or is she also expected to work as a provider for you at night? Consider if you have a disagreement during the trip (sometimes travelling with my SO leads to intense arguing lol) what happens you get her a room of her own? Send her home early? Sounds like an awesome trip. I love London. Just ask her outright and I think she'll feel honored you would even consider her. Just cover all the bases so there are no misunderstandings.
If she doesn't already have travel considerations outlined on her site, it's a gray area and tricky to discuss. But don't be too concerned how she'll react if you offer a rate that's too low -- if instead you asked how she'd like to be compensated, she'll be just as concerned about offending you with an offer that's too high.

Remember when discussing compensation, while it will be something of a vacation for her (especially with all the free time during the day), she will be entertaining and stayin' pretty and being a convincingly innocent and charming dinner guest for you. That can take a lot of effort. Also, while she's out of the States, she'll miss any provider income she'd otherwise be getting -- AND she may need to get child care/a pet sitter/take unpaid time off a day job/etc., depending on her situation. A spur of the moment vacation is lovely, but not all of us can afford to do so even when all the hotel/flight/meal costs are covered.

I think the first step would be to see, first, if she'd be interested and even able to go abroad -- the first two logistics Lust4xxxLife mentioned are especially important. Then, one of you has to get the ball rolling with the compensation discussion. If she doesn't offer an amount, it's up to you. If she has an overnight, day, or "clock free" rate, consider that as a starting point for your per diem and you can both negotiate from there.

As an aside, if you haven't yet, I'd suggest having an overnight together in town well prior to hopping the pond, to make sure you actually *are* still compatible after several hours of each others' company. You don't want to be almost killing each other after only the flight over...
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 08-03-2010, 07:47 PM
Some logistics to consider...

1. Make sure passports are up to date. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
Depending on her nationality, she may also need a visa.
I agree with Carrie and LustforxxxLife, definitely make sure that you consider having all the "paper" in order. I've traveled a number of times with a regular client of mine and it works best with someone who is comfortable with you and who you can be comfortable with. It seems like you have that base covered. You may want to be sure to discuss things like what the expectations are from both sides (i.e. 1/2 compensation up front, how free time is spent, etc.).

I don't think a lady would be offended by your offer. You should simply say (if this is the case) that her site doesn't provide info for such a situation, so the number you're throwing out is your guess. In the past, I've agreed to a daily rate, and it worked well. Maybe research a little and see what similar providers are receiving for their time too...could be helpful.

Either way, enjoy your trip. And I do hope you get to enjoy one another as well!
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'd think long and hard about how valuable the business connections are to you. You might be able to carry off the bluff for a week. You might not. But I personally think that's a lot easier said than done. My guess is that somebody is going to get suspicious. If the income is worth enough, go without the gal, and then have her fly over and meet you for a week when you're business meetings are done.
guest2820's Avatar
Sasquatch's Avatar
I've taken ladies overseas on several occasions. Make sure their papers are in order with no outstanding warrants at all. I've usually offered their "average weekly revenue" for an extended trip. One lady spent the week without any charge due to the destination and amenities (small yacht + private jet).

Enjoy London. I've stayed at several of the smaller hotels in the Kensington Park area over the past few years. Very nice time to be had there.
Hobbyfun's Avatar
Just talk to her, the best arrangement is if you both are happy with the fee.
If you feel it is to much but agree to it anyway in the long run you will be miserable and that goes for her to if she thinks it is to low but agrees to it she will make the trip turn out bad.

Talk talk and then talk some-more.
leave the bitch at home. london has plenty of escorts and you won't have to worry about her saying the wrong thing to anyone and costing you business while your there. if you were going over there on a vacation then that would be a different matter.
yaddayadda's Avatar
Business and have to consider your reputation with the company. If it became known that she was a rental unit would it hurt your position with the client/customer? I would make my money in one place and spend it in another.

Take her to Cancun or something when you get back....
leave the bitch at home. Originally Posted by mcfish

Since when is it ok to refer to the ladies in such a derogatory way?