Motorcycle Training...or not

OldGrump's Avatar
This has to be the worst bike rider ever.

It has an annoying 15 second commercial but is worth the wait.
tttalinky's Avatar
That guy has to be the biggest dumb ass on the planet!
bigdaddyhm's Avatar
Not sure that training would help this
OldGrump's Avatar
At least he found a nice hole to settle into.
Im sure that by now, there are some grateful organ recipients.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Hilarius as hell!
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
funny see old grump u can be light hearted.
bojulay's Avatar
Looks like he was trying to commit suicide in increments.
Lol. Very funny
add197531's Avatar
I dont appreciate my scooter video being posted on here.
I think Ze was wearing a disguise during her bike lessons ... just sayin'!
ManSlut's Avatar
My thoughts:

1)I counted 4 Personal Injury lawsuit claims

2) Don't you know the Dude that was riding with him on the first collision is glad he didn't get back on

3) Obviously this country doesn't require driver's licenses

4) This is why Alcoholics drive vehicles with 4 wheels

5) At least they don't have to dig a hole to bury his ass in now.

6) I've read it's impossible to avoid the gravitational pull of a Black Hole and now there is video proof.

7) I wish I was one of his insurance beneficiaries

8) This was too funny !! Thanks for sharing.