Read this today..

jerkn2u's Avatar
I may be late but I just read this bullshit.

These people need to leave us the fuck alone. Dont they have some pedophile, rapist, or murderer to catch.
jerkn2u's Avatar
Saw another article in Huffington Post as well
I may be late but I just read this bullshit.

These people need to leave us the fuck alone. Dont they have some pedophile, rapist, or murderer to catch. Originally Posted by jerkn2u
There are always going to be ignorant people on the outside looking into stuff that they think they know about.
The real problem is that society views sex between a man and woman as bad and dirty. Sex between two women or two men is now mainstream and cool. Those evil people having sex because they enjoy it, now they must be punished. How dare they rate their experiences and share them.
OldGrump's Avatar
Yelpers? ECCIE is more like Zagat. Much more refined and respected.
TinMan's Avatar
Old news, much discussed when the TV report came out almost 4 months ago.
I think it's safe to say, especially with recent events ( that being careful of how you operate is imperative!

Remember ladies, you're here to have fun, men pay for the opportunity to spend with you!

Enjoying sex is not a crime! Getting paid for it is. So gents if a lady says "you're paying for my time and companionship", that's all it is! If her reviews say she's great at sexual acts, she is cause she wants to and enjoys that, not cause the reviewer who met with her paid for that act.

These are pretty clear lines. Ladies be careful about you wording and gents be respectful of the legal perimeters....

Anyway, That's my two cents. LOL
DarthDVader's Avatar
Early 90's alcohol was prohibited leading into a fierce hunting of the Chicago an other Italian mafias ... Legalizing and ruling alcohol was the best they could have done ... IMO they should legalize and rule prostitution and marijuana ... There will be always people that drink alcohol, smoke weed or visit working girls ...
Like legalizing alcohol finished the violence for the control of it, legalizing weed will stop violence ans smuggling and legalizing prostitution will finish with pimps, abusing of women and many other colateral problems ... my 2 cents
DarthDVader's Avatar
The effect of prostitution laws on human trafficking and voluntary prostitution is subject to debate. We argue theoretically that neither legalization nor criminalization can simultaneously protect voluntary prostitutes and unambiguously reduce trafficking. We propose a novel, “hybrid” policy that achieves both objectives and restores the free market outcome that arises in the absence of trafficking. If a regulator aims to eradicate all prostitution instead, the optimal policy criminalizes all johns. Criminalizing prostitutes is ineffective and unjust because it fails to eradicate trafficking and penalizes victims. We consider cross-border trafficking, sex tourism, social norms, and political support for prostitution laws. The model predicts that the female-male income ratio is a key determinant of what share of prostitutes is trafficked, the consequences of prostitution laws, and the political will to enact or enforce them.
bored@home's Avatar
Early 90's alcohol was prohibited Originally Posted by DarthDVader may be off by a "few" years there.
Problem with any vice becoming legal is how to regulate, monitor, and of course tax it.
DarthDVader's Avatar
Prohibition came into force at midnight on January 17, 1920, and the first documented infringement of the Volstead Act occurred in Chicago on January 17 at 12:59 a.m.
Prohibition lost advocates as alcohol gained increasing social acceptance and as prohibition led to disrespect for the law and the growth of organized crime. By 1933, public opposition to prohibition had become overwhelming. In March of that year, Congress passed the Cullen-Harrison Act, which legalized "3.2 beer" (i.e., beer 3.2% alcohol by weight or 4% by volume) and wines of similarly low alcohol content, rather than the 0.5% limit defined by the original Volstead Act.
Congress passed the Blaine Act, a proposed constitutional amendment to repeal Prohibition, in February. On December 5, 1933.

1933 is early 90's

Is a challenge but lets polititians work and figure it out for people's sake may be off by a "few" years there.
Problem with any vice becoming legal is how to regulate, monitor, and of course tax it. Originally Posted by bored@home
novacain's Avatar
Prohibition came into force at midnight on January 17, 1920, and the first documented infringement of the Volstead Act occurred in Chicago on January 17 at 12:59 a.m.

1933 is early 90's <--- I think you mean early 1900's.......... not 90's

Is a challenge but lets polititians work and figure it out for people's sake

Originally Posted by DarthDVader
Which is the correction that was being made.
playerplano's Avatar
This is a great topic because prohibition doesn't work. People vote every time they choose to participate in their vice of choice. I might feel differently if there were no drugs and no prostitutes. The laws don't work and are demonstratively failures. Legalize , tax and control are the only real solutions. People will break those laws too! It's a no brainer to stop spending a billion to stop vice and losing a billion in potential taxes and fees. Lets spend our time and energy protecting and keeping providers safe. The world is a better place with beautiful providers to go and visit!
Prohibition was legalized because alcohol HELPS men sleep with their wives and vice versa. Ladies, until we can somehow spin prostitution to do the same thing, I think we are, well, screwed.

I'm with ExecEnchant on working within legal perimeters. I thought that's we all did anyway.
LazurusLong's Avatar
The intial post is a link to a site that is simply reposting the original CBS news article talked about in the past.

But the critical issue is what is contained in one paragraph:
"Texas state senator Leticia Van De Putte is attempting to bring down the site and others like it by targeting individual posts and linking them to cases of human trafficking and prostitution. The bill she's currently pushing through the state senate would aid in slowly shutting down escort review websites that undoubtedly result in prostitution."

If DPD were to focus on ECCIE for a period of time and only set up stings by making appointments through this website, that might be just what the State Senator wants.

So many times when an ECCIE provider is busted the number one issue is either zero screening or screening of the sort like "he didn't sound like a cop" and "I asked him THREE times if he was a cop and he said no so how come I got busted!".