RNC votes to boycott CNN and NBC POTUS debates


Just when you think the Republicans couldn't be any more clueless and stupid, they prove you wrong.
SexyBritneyJ's Avatar
They're just jealous that they can't find anyone to nominate that's as interesting as Clinton.
Good....long over due...

bypassing the liberal networks and their bias will not hurt the GOP; in fact it will help them.....how they manage the debates in the general election will be telling.

The primary goal of the GOP should be to minimize the role/influence of the moderators, both in the questions they ask, and their control of the debate....posting Brit Hume against Candy Crowley isn't enough.....strip the moderators roles out of the process...return to a Lincoln - Douglass format in which the candidates ask the questions of their opponents.

John Fund at the NRO offers some perspective......

How is wanting more fairness and balance being clueless and stupid?

You are likely one of the clueless who thinks Gwen Iffel is fair and balanced !
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-16-2013, 02:24 PM

Just when you think the Republicans couldn't be any more clueless and stupid, they prove you wrong. Originally Posted by timpage

either their feet are getting bigger, or they're getting to be better shots

I B Hankering's Avatar
They're just jealous that they can't find anyone to nominate that's as interesting as Clinton. Originally Posted by SexyBritneyJ
William Magear Tweed was also an 'interesting' character. Tweed was a New York politician, like Hildabeast. Tweed was a dimotard, like Hildabeast. Tweed lied, like Hildabeast. Tweed was corrupt, like Hildabeast. Tweed died in prison, so there's still hope for Hildabeast.


Just when you think the Republicans couldn't be any more clueless and stupid, they prove you wrong. Originally Posted by timpage
Little Timmy, you're the one being clueless, stupid and moronic if you think CNN and its Odumbo crony, Candy Crowley, helped the Republicans in the last election. CNN purposefully and maliciously shorted Romney on time, and Crowley purposefully and maliciously involved herself in the debate and misrepresented facts in Odumbo's favor when she did so.
The primary goal of the GOP is to have Fox News, National Review and Wall Street Journal moderators throw their clueless candidates softballs that they can hit.

You know what? If a candidate isn't equipped to deal with Candy Crowley, they shouldn't be on the stage.

When are you whiney ass bitches going to get over the fact that your election losses don't have anything to do with the media? The right wing has had their media now for multiple election cycles. As Whirly'tard never tires of pointing out, Fox is the no. 1 network. You own the radio airwaves. So what's the fucking problem?

You lose because the ideas that you champion are stupid and because your candidates are boneheads. In fact, you don't even have any ideas other than cutting taxes for the rich. I suppose I should say no mainstream ideas that stand any chance of success. That doesn't include major GOP initiatives like repealing Obama care, getting rid of the IRS, making abortion illegal, and propounding the absurd idea that Obama is trying to turn the country into a totalitarian state.

You are the party of negativity and intolerance. All you do is bitch and complain, while offering no alternatives of any sort. And, that is a losing strategy.

Good....long over due...

bypassing the liberal networks and their bias will not hurt the GOP; in fact it will help them.....how they manage the debates in the general election will be telling.

The primary goal of the GOP should be to minimize the role/influence of the moderators, both in the questions they ask, and their control of the debate....posting Brit Hume against Candy Crowley isn't enough.....strip the moderators roles out of the process...return to a Lincoln - Douglass format in which the candidates ask the questions of their opponents.

John Fund at the NRO offers some perspective......

http://www.nationalreview.com/articl...ates-john-fund Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I edited out most of your stupid rant....it is just nonsense..........but the statement below shows your utter stupidity.

You know what, if a Democrat candidate isn't equipped to deal with questions from Mark Levine, Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Prager, or similar conservative commentators/analysts/authors, they shouldn't be on stage............Crowley proved herself to be a partisan; not an independent moderator. So you now on board to have conservatives moderate the general election debates ?

Why are you afraid to open the forum up to candidates asking direct questions of their opponents. Why do you want the filter of a liberal moderator ? It is clear, Democrats have the media advantage under the current process.


You know what? If a candidate isn't equipped to deal with Candy Crowley, they shouldn't be on the stage.

. Originally Posted by timpage
thisguy23's Avatar
They're just jealous that they can't find anyone to nominate that's as interesting as Clinton. Originally Posted by SexyBritneyJ

What do find interesting about her or were you talking about him?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Timmie! You're watching FOX! I'm so proud of you.

As for the debate. Don't people cheer when an abused woman leaves her abuser? Same thing.
thisguy23's Avatar
[QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;1053667053]

Don't people cheer when an abused woman leaves her abuser?

LOL. I admit it took me a second to get it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Talk about controlling the free press... These guys are fucking ridiculous. People out there aren't nearly as fucking stupid as people IN HERE!

The GOP is working OT to create a yet smaller choir!

Adios MOFOS!
Now that is really having fear of Hillary ,RNC is already pissing their panties ...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
piss? Im certain they are in full shit their drawers mode! ALREADY!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If everybody on ECCIE voted for the GOP candidate, EVERYBODY, they still won't win!

Stay bitter, my friends!
piss? Im certain they are in full shit their drawers mode! ALREADY!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If everybody on ECCIE voted for the GOP candidate, EVERYBODY, they still won't win!

Stay bitter, my friends! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Are you always such a pompous, latte-drinking abortioneer, or is today a special occasion?...LOL