Your Toaster Could Be Spying on You

JCM800's Avatar
it's time to go off the grid ....and maybe for good measure, stock up on some tinfoil.

For Americans concerned about their privacy, the NSA data grabs are daunting, but what about the data grabs happening inside your own home, perpetrated not by the government but by your coffee machine?
LexusLover's Avatar
it's time to go off the grid ....and maybe for good measure, stock up on some tinfoil. Originally Posted by JCM800
FYI: Any appliance that has remote, off premises setting and activation is vulnerable, and any equipment that has any visual recognition equipment (cams) can broadcast moving or still images. Any equipment that as the remote access and audio responding capacity is also vulnerable to listening. Most, if not all can be remotely turned on and manipulated with "viruses" or other "intrusive" programs that can be implanted and then remotely activated.

Your "smart" appliances can spy on your.
Its amazing people are not aware of this as thieves have been using equipment to determine frequencies to open garages and get access to homes.
Baby monitors; smart TVs, you name it; if it is connected to the web....then beware.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-18-2013, 03:54 PM
Lazy = vulnerable.
You learned 2 new words that are larger than 3 characters each. Keep that dictionary handy.

Lazy = vulnerable. Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-18-2013, 09:20 PM
You learned 2 new words that are larger than 3 characters each. Keep that dictionary handy. Originally Posted by therock18
Too bad YOU haven't learned to respond to a very direct question calling out your overinflated egotistical--but imbecilic--self in the "Dumb as Rock" (yep, that's you in the title) thread.

You made a stupid, wrong comment. I know it's hard to tell which one of your posts I mean, they all fit that category, but even you know which one I'm referring to since I've posted it three times for you.

I'm still waiting.

You know, by not owning up to your stupid posts when you are called on them you are becoming more and more like Gonad every post you make (and that's not a good thing).