This doesn't have anything to do with anything, but I am curious about experiences of other people regarding the indulgence of caffeine.
I almost never have caffeine in my body. I never drink pop, I rarely eat chocolate, and I only drink coffee when I have to get up early and very much need the pick-up. We're talking an average of less than once a month. Because I am highly sensitive to the caffeine, the effects are a little different for me than they are for most people. When I drink a cup of coffee, I am practically high on caffeine.
I become uncharacteristically talkative, extremely energetic, and as excited over nothing as one can be!
:mf_laughbounc e:
So....what about you guys? Am I the only one in the world who gets like this, or is it more common than I think? You'll be doing me a great service by sharing your experiences, because this has been a mystery to me for years!