Incall vs. Outcall

I'm sure this subject has come up before but since I'm new to the site I thought I'd see what other people thought. I've been in this profession for years and have always been an outcall kind of girl for several reasons: 1) I'm always up late and that's usually when men prefer outcalls 2) I've always felt men feel more comfortable in their own enviorment and 3)I feel more secure at an apartment or house. But I've decided to expand my horizons and offer incalls ever other day and outcalls always. I just wanted to get some opinions on what everyone else prefers and why?
Knight69Fun's Avatar
Definitely more comfortable at home. My lungs aren't happy with me when I go into a place where someone smokes (even if they don't while I'm there), and sometimes even when it's a place that a smoker is a lot while not smoking (spending on the smoker - the smell sticks to some people more than others). It's a leftover from being in a fire mumble-ty years ago. And even more now, while I have a cast on one hand. Driving like this kinda sucks, and not in the good way.
Out calls work but most guys can't always see you at their place having a incall option will help you meet more guys
Bailey ur ass is so sexy in that pic.... I want a taste :-)
Private incalls are best in my opinion. Rent a hobby apartment and you will do well
Definitely more comfortable at home. My lungs aren't happy with me when I go into a place where someone smokes (even if they don't while I'm there), and sometimes even when it's a place that a smoker is a lot while not smoking (spending on the smoker - the smell sticks to some people more than others). It's a leftover from being in a fire mumble-ty years ago. And even more now, while I have a cast on one hand. Driving like this kinda sucks, and not in the good way. Originally Posted by Knight69Fun
I always try to provide a non smoking room since I haven't smoked in a few years... Most guys don't like the smell of smoke I totally understand that
Truckman1's Avatar
Private in call is best for me
BuddhaJ's Avatar
I've been wondering the same thing. Where do providers feel safest? If she feels safe and can be discrete when she arrives (wait until she's inside before putting on the skimpy maid outfit), I'm happy to be the host. If she has a private residence in-call, I'm fine with that too. Hotels of any kind scare me a little, since there seems to be more of a chance that LE might be watching.

Ladies - What can I do to make you feel safer and more relaxed in my home?

Everyone, please be smart and be safe.
I defintely feel more secure at someones residence which is why I prefer outcalls but I've noticed the majority of hobbyist on here do incalls during the day so I'll try to do a few incalls a week and see how that works out. Thanks for all the suggestions.
  • KCboy
  • 08-20-2013, 08:04 PM
BB I prefer outcall as I know the entire thing is safe! If I do my homework on the girl, reviews posts on board I'm pretty certain she screens me then it's a win win! Both are more relaxed and leads to better time bcd and before just my take! I will be in touch soon hopefully we can meet?
Can't wait!
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
My house is generally in no shape for company, and people don't like to come clear out to the burbs anyway, but still I prefer OC.

I remember my first OC to my house. The lady was on her way over and I was moving my vehicle out of the way when a cop stopped right in front of my house and wanted to have a conversation with me. I thought I was pinched for sure, or that she would pull up just then and see me talking to a cop.
searchthelimits's Avatar
I can see why outcalls would be fun, but for many of us it isn't an option. So I have to screen out providers that only offer them. If I like the provider's looks, I can afford her rates, enjoy her menu and she has a convenient incall I mark her on my list of ladies I want to see.
I do both incall and outcall. Both are equally comfortable to me.
I do both incall and outcall. Both are equally comfortable to me. Originally Posted by Allie_Kat

agree with you 100% allie