Massage Therapy..

Does anyone know of a good massage therapy training school around here? I am interested in taking some classes..
Does anyone know of a good massage therapy training school around here? I am interested in taking some classes.. Originally Posted by DestinyInKC
Pinnacle Career Institute has a good program

Not sure of any others of the top of my head
Heritage ♥♡♥♡♥
Helicopter206's Avatar
Heritage, I think is better, they have a bigger school and newer equipment.
Please let me know if you need someone to practice on... Thanks
I still Trade... Thanks guys...I know the jokes are

It rubs the lotion on it's skin... What movie???
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
I think I am right around a size 14 as a matter of fact.
There are enough guys on here to help you get your 500 hours in.
Sorry, but I hope you were prepared for some smart ass remarks.
Seriously, hope you find a good place to learn.