Legalization of "The Hobby" in Texas

Recent state audits estimate the total deficit will be close to $20 billion when the Texas legislature convenes (that point in time when every village will be short one idiot!). The lotteries are tapped out (revenue flat)and it's unlikely there's much left to cut in most departmental budgets. Gambling in Texas is going to be back on the table (Fundamentalists unite!!! It'll be the beginning of Sodom for sure!). There are also quiet conversations about a modest state income tax (businesses the first 3 or 5 years to gauge the economic impact and then, if more $ is required, personal).

There are 2 other activities; namely drugs and sex, that remain untapped and could be subject to a state-oriented business and personal income tax. What about legalizing The Hobby?

Ladies, would you be willing to register as a "Sex Provider" and file state and federal income tax returns if the spectre of illegality is removed from the profession? Would it be too much of a hassle to be required to submit to quarterly, state-monitored STD screening in order to maintain a "Sex Provder" registration? What about collecting sales taxes for each service you provide (i.e. $1.25/BJ, $4/fuck, $5.50/Greek) to the customer? Would it be worth it if you could open up a Bunny Ranch on Lemmon Avenue?
  • npita
  • 08-06-2010, 09:56 AM
Don't forget that doing those things would put a provider's name in public records - forever. Once you give out that information it can never be taken back.
Iaintliein's Avatar
It will never happen, too logical, and too much of a threat to too many jobs.

friendlyguy77's Avatar
Bad idea. Nobody would legalize the hobby in Texas, and even if they did no one would EVER legalize GFE. All legalizing would do is drive rates higher and service lower. Not to mention all the ladies would lose their privacy. Look at what has happened in SC's. Topless only, no touching, etc. It never benefits the hobbiest. Fortunately not all of these rules are observed here lol.
A bunny ranch on Lemmon avenue would go out of business in short order anyway...heh
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 08-06-2010, 11:11 AM
Zero chance that will happen in most of our lifetimes. Maybe someday after 40 other states have done it but Texas will never lead the way in legalized prostitution.

Ya know some day though maybe...7-11 might add a blow&go section...would bring a whole new meaning to Big Gulp
Zero chance that will happen in most of our lifetimes. Maybe someday after 40 other states have done it but Texas will never lead the way in legalized prostitution.

Ya know some day though maybe...7-11 might add a blow&go section...would bring a whole new meaning to Big Gulp Originally Posted by Fiero
Like the Blowjob Bars in Thailand! That's when I start buying stock in barstool companies!
bslither10's Avatar
A bunny ranch on Lemmon avenue would go out of business in short order anyway...heh Originally Posted by argus256
  • bigB
  • 08-06-2010, 01:59 PM
okay maybe not legalized, but decriminalized

baby steps
TexTushHog's Avatar
It's not going to happen this session. I can guarantee that. But budget concerns and redistricting will certainly be the big two issues.

And something is eventually going to have to give, especially in Texas. We're 50th out of 50 States in per capita government spending. Yep, dead last in what the government does for it's citizens -- education, health care, the environment, police, fire, etc. We have the largest percentage of uninsured people and the highest percentage of uninsured citizens in the U.S. Our schools have falling SAT scores that generally lag the rest of the country. Our roads are falling apart, and even routine maintenance needed to keep existing roads and bridges safe is going undone.

But as much as we need new revenue, I don't see either casino gambling, poker rooms, or brothels being a serious possibility this time around. For the Republicans all of these are out of the question because their party is dominated by far right religious types. For the Democrats, gambling isn't quite so tough, but even then, some of the more liberal Democrats (of which there are precious few in Texas) believe, probably correctly, that gambling disproportionately affects poorer families. So mark it down. It's not going to happen in the immediate future.

However, in terms of a bit longer time horizon, who knows. I'd have never said that gay marriage had much of a chance. But I think that there is maybe a 1:3 chance that it gets mandated by the U.S. Supreme Court in the next three years.
Ahhhh..but take heed Tush, we just passed Mississippi and are now 49th for most open, trench sewers!! You gotta love a Governor that enjoys the odor of raw shit!
Brimstone's Avatar
Not to mention, the religious nut jobs would have a field day if this was put on the ballot. I can almost Westboro Baptist Church wackjobs protesting the whole state.
Like the Blowjob Bars in Thailand! That's when I start buying stock in barstool companies! Originally Posted by txcwby6
TFF, I preferred the haircuts myself. I got my hair cut at least 4 times a week for over 2 years! The BJ was free, or was the haircut free??

If you ever wondered why they put that apron thingy over you, it wasn't to keep the hair off your clothes.
TexRich's Avatar
too many southern baptists here, never happen.
pyramider's Avatar
Money talks and gambing keeps getting closer to happening. With gambing its not the right blocking it . . . Thinck about you wants your money,or who would lose the most from casinos in TX . . . The casinos, and governments, in LA and OK are partial to money from TX.