For the Record...

My apologies for not responding sooner but I seldom read these sometimes distasteful forums. However, as if it matters, the comment made about the license plate was meant to be sarcastic as I was attempting to get a "Heidi Fleiss" ha ha out of it.

If any of the members on eccie have ever seen me before, they will tell you that since the plate is on the back of the vehicle here in Kansas, there is no possible way I would be able to see it from my location.

In my opinion, my attempt(s) at humor are most often purposely transposed to be crazed, offensive, or "dangerous to the community" due to others perceiving me as their "competition".

Firstly, I happen to be relatively new to the state of Kansas, thus am still getting used to the difference in clients' character traits as there are major differences.

Male clients that I have had sessions with here are very warm and they tend to be more friends than just a client. This is unlike the clientele I am used to so I am assuming you are all likely very warm/friendly gentlemen but may take things the other providers say (or even other members I have refused to schedule) for face value. Since obviously I am a Kansas newbie and would take hearsay from any fellow Kansan before questioning the accused.

Secondly, the providers are also very different here than in Texas as in they tend to really take things personally when thy aren't intended in any way to offend them. Likely also due to the fact that I am new to Kansas.

Thirdly, as happens sometimes we all as human beings misinterpret ones written statements, questions, comments, or concerns out of context when we think impulsively and not give the writer the benefit of the doubt. Not as a Kansan or Texan but as a hobbyist and a provider. This goes without saying that one shouldn't assume that since one is Persian, he or she belongs to a specific religious group and judge her/him on that basis. I have had a lot of racist feedback that doesn't offend me at all but really makes me think, "am I providing to potential racists?"

Nothing I post is going to change what is already been posted by myself or anyone else impulsively, nonetheless I thought I would at least attempt to apologize to those who may have innocently taken what I said seriously in the ladies lounge. Hence, it was posted in the ladies lounge and not on a general forum.

The gentlemen who have/do see me on a regular basis will all tell you that my character is not as others who have not even met me post. It's actually quite the opposite. I am very calm, even tempered, friendly, kind, and fair.

Apparently anything I say will likely be misconstrued, either with false intentions to eliminate the completion, or innocently misunderstood by an impulsive reader. Therefore, due to the reasons above, I will no longer post to threads and seldom will I even read them unless I need a good laugh so if anyone wishes to respond or get clarification about anything I have stated above, PM me.

Now you all may continue with your unwarranted comments and criticisms because I will let you all in on a little secret. Your attempts to offend me do not work. I don't take things personally and I apologize if this is an inconvenience, as you all have put in a lot of wasted efforts to do so.

Furthermore, even though I have observed a lot of extremely alarming personalities from these posts, I will still give any provider or client a reference if they so chose to request one. A persons life, discretion, and safety are very important to me and despite how odd your posts may seem to me, I will always be open to giving referrals. I am not expecting the same in return as I feel at this juncture, I am better off keeping to myself and will not be contacting other providers for the time being.

Levity in everyone's life is a must to being happy and with that levity one learns, as I have, so what get over it and laugh and move on.

My Warmest Regards,
Bella Shenasi the most blossomed PersianLilly.
noleftturn's Avatar
For the record your ha-ha as you called it caused quite a stir on this board. You refer to distasteful forums but yet your comments were the reason for this one. Anytime you make a post that could be considered over the top in any sense or damaging to the reputation of any member IT IS NOT FUNNY. You have proven to be unstable and difficult to work with and then complain you have no business. Guys visit ladies to have a good time. This board should be a place where two consenting adults can make contact for happy times. NOBODY WANTS DRAMA. You caused it. Another lady lost her VP status because she took it seriously and WARNED the community of your post. Many others took it seriously and you did not even respond for several days. Why don't you just retire. You do know how to do that as you have done it several times before. For all your WK's, you have her number keep using it. The rest of us should have no use for somebody that continues to create drama and thinks it is a joke.
dirty dog's Avatar
My apologies for not responding sooner but I seldom read these sometimes distasteful forums. However, as if it matters, the comment made about the license plate was meant to be sarcastic as I was attempting to get a "Heidi Fleiss" ha ha out of it.

If any of the members on eccie have ever seen me before, they will tell you that since the plate is on the back of the vehicle here in Kansas, there is no possible way I would be able to see it from my location.

In my opinion, my attempt(s) at humor are most often purposely transposed to be crazed, offensive, or "dangerous to the community" due to others perceiving me as their "competition".

Firstly, I happen to be relatively new to the state of Kansas, thus am still getting used to the difference in clients' character traits as there are major differences.

Male clients that I have had sessions with here are very warm and they tend to be more friends than just a client. This is unlike the clientele I am used to so I am assuming you are all likely very warm/friendly gentlemen but may take things the other providers say (or even other members I have refused to schedule) for face value. Since obviously I am a Kansas newbie and would take hearsay from any fellow Kansan before questioning the accused.

Secondly, the providers are also very different here than in Texas as in they tend to really take things personally when thy aren't intended in any way to offend them. Likely also due to the fact that I am new to Kansas.

Thirdly, as happens sometimes we all as human beings misinterpret ones written statements, questions, comments, or concerns out of context when we think impulsively and not give the writer the benefit of the doubt. Not as a Kansan or Texan but as a hobbyist and a provider. This goes without saying that one shouldn't assume that since one is Persian, he or she belongs to a specific religious group and judge her/him on that basis. I have had a lot of racist feedback that doesn't offend me at all but really makes me think, "am I providing to potential racists?"

Nothing I post is going to change what is already been posted by myself or anyone else impulsively, nonetheless I thought I would at least attempt to apologize to those who may have innocently taken what I said seriously in the ladies lounge. Hence, it was posted in the ladies lounge and not on a general forum.

The gentlemen who have/do see me on a regular basis will all tell you that my character is not as others who have not even met me post. It's actually quite the opposite. I am very calm, even tempered, friendly, kind, and fair.

Apparently anything I say will likely be misconstrued, either with false intentions to eliminate the completion, or innocently misunderstood by an impulsive reader. Therefore, due to the reasons above, I will no longer post to threads and seldom will I even read them unless I need a good laugh so if anyone wishes to respond or get clarification about anything I have stated above, PM me.

Now you all may continue with your unwarranted comments and criticisms because I will let you all in on a little secret. Your attempts to offend me do not work. I don't take things personally and I apologize if this is an inconvenience, as you all have put in a lot of wasted efforts to do so.

Furthermore, even though I have observed a lot of extremely alarming personalities from these posts, I will still give any provider or client a reference if they so chose to request one. A persons life, discretion, and safety are very important to me and despite how odd your posts may seem to me, I will always be open to giving referrals. I am not expecting the same in return as I feel at this juncture, I am better off keeping to myself and will not be contacting other providers for the time being.

Levity in everyone's life is a must to being happy and with that levity one learns, as I have, so what get over it and laugh and move on.

My Warmest Regards,
Bella Shenasi the most blossomed PersianLilly. Originally Posted by Persianlilly
Well thank you officer, my last name is Dog, D.O.G, I live at ......................
+1000 noleftturn
For the record your ha-ha as you called it caused quite a stir on this board. You refer to distasteful forums but yet your comments were the reason for this one. Anytime you make a post that could be considered over the top in any sense or damaging to the reputation of any member IT IS NOT FUNNY. You have proven to be unstable and difficult to work with and then complain you have no business. Guys visit ladies to have a good time. This board should be a place where two consenting adults can make contact for happy times. NOBODY WANTS DRAMA. You caused it. Another lady lost her VP status because she took it seriously and WARNED the community of your post. Many others took it seriously and you did not even respond for several days. Why don't you just retire. You do know how to do that as you have done it several times before. For all your WK's, you have her number keep using it. The rest of us should have no use for somebody that continues to create drama and thinks it is a joke. Originally Posted by noleftturn
Furthermore, even though I have observed a lot of extremely alarming personalities from these posts, I will still give any provider or client a reference if they so chose to request one. A persons life, discretion, and safety are very important to me and despite how odd your posts may seem to me, I will always be open to giving referrals. I am not expecting the same in return as I feel at this juncture, I am better off keeping to myself and will not be contacting other providers for the time being. Originally Posted by Persianlilly
All your personalities are extremely alarming to us also.
So you're not checking references on your clients at all now?
Sounds safe to me. Especially with the wave of attacks that are happening right now.
I told myself that I wasn't going to post anymore but this needs to be addressed.

For starters, it wasn't made out to be a ha-ha comment. It was made out to be I have all this information just in case something goes wrong.
- Your not MY competition. I responded both here and elsewhere because how you have things going is flat out risky for all involved. You can screen as hard as you can but there's still a possibility that at one time or another you will be caught. If caught, with the way you do things, there is a real possibility that you will have your Heidi Fleiss moment.
-When we disagree with you instead of being nice as you claim to be, its something to the effect of screw you all.
-I'm truly sorry that you get hate mail about religion. That's uncalled for. But again, hate mail of any nature is part of being a provider. Not everyone is going to like you.
-I don't think when we as a community post it's to offend you, hell, a lot of providers were pissed that the information was leaked. You know the saying, Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
-The only alarming personality is yours. I totally get that this post was about damage control, but the only thing it says to me is, no matter how much you hate us all on eccie, the guys here are part of your business and you needed to do something so they won't continue to be scared away.

Please stop making the providers out to be the villians. I, and I know many others have offered or would have offered to help in any way we could, if we would have felt like our advice was being taken, not misconstrued.

All your personalities are extremely alarming to us also.
So you're not checking references on your clients at all now?
Sounds safe to me. Especially with the wave of attacks that are happening right now. Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
Lol Allie, I was typing as you posted this. Guess great minds think alike
All your personalities are extremely alarming to us also. Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
Lmao. That made my monday. Freakin hilarious.
i think you need alot more guidance in this business, and some of your actions are reckless and risky. not being from Kansas I would think you would want ladys help and advice that have been here for years or all there life. It's always good to have other eyes and ears in this profession. I hope that your decisions don't put you in a dangerous situation.

My apologies for not responding sooner but I seldom read these sometimes distasteful forums. However, as if it matters, the comment made about the license plate was meant to be sarcastic as I was attempting to get a "Heidi Fleiss" ha ha out of it.

If any of the members on eccie have ever seen me before, they will tell you that since the plate is on the back of the vehicle here in Kansas, there is no possible way I would be able to see it from my location.

In my opinion, my attempt(s) at humor are most often purposely transposed to be crazed, offensive, or "dangerous to the community" due to others perceiving me as their "competition".

Firstly, I happen to be relatively new to the state of Kansas, thus am still getting used to the difference in clients' character traits as there are major differences.

Male clients that I have had sessions with here are very warm and they tend to be more friends than just a client. This is unlike the clientele I am used to so I am assuming you are all likely very warm/friendly gentlemen but may take things the other providers say (or even other members I have refused to schedule) for face value. Since obviously I am a Kansas newbie and would take hearsay from any fellow Kansan before questioning the accused.

Secondly, the providers are also very different here than in Texas as in they tend to really take things personally when thy aren't intended in any way to offend them. Likely also due to the fact that I am new to Kansas.

Thirdly, as happens sometimes we all as human beings misinterpret ones written statements, questions, comments, or concerns out of context when we think impulsively and not give the writer the benefit of the doubt. Not as a Kansan or Texan but as a hobbyist and a provider. This goes without saying that one shouldn't assume that since one is Persian, he or she belongs to a specific religious group and judge her/him on that basis. I have had a lot of racist feedback that doesn't offend me at all but really makes me think, "am I providing to potential racists?"

Nothing I post is going to change what is already been posted by myself or anyone else impulsively, nonetheless I thought I would at least attempt to apologize to those who may have innocently taken what I said seriously in the ladies lounge. Hence, it was posted in the ladies lounge and not on a general forum.

The gentlemen who have/do see me on a regular basis will all tell you that my character is not as others who have not even met me post. It's actually quite the opposite. I am very calm, even tempered, friendly, kind, and fair.

Apparently anything I say will likely be misconstrued, either with false intentions to eliminate the completion, or innocently misunderstood by an impulsive reader. Therefore, due to the reasons above, I will no longer post to threads and seldom will I even read them unless I need a good laugh so if anyone wishes to respond or get clarification about anything I have stated above, PM me.

Now you all may continue with your unwarranted comments and criticisms because I will let you all in on a little secret. Your attempts to offend me do not work. I don't take things personally and I apologize if this is an inconvenience, as you all have put in a lot of wasted efforts to do so.

Furthermore, even though I have observed a lot of extremely alarming personalities from these posts, I will still give any provider or client a reference if they so chose to request one. A persons life, discretion, and safety are very important to me and despite how odd your posts may seem to me, I will always be open to giving referrals. I am not expecting the same in return as I feel at this juncture, I am better off keeping to myself and will not be contacting other providers for the time being.

Levity in everyone's life is a must to being happy and with that levity one learns, as I have, so what get over it and laugh and move on.

My Warmest Regards,
Bella Shenasi the most blossomed PersianLilly. Originally Posted by Persianlilly
What the hell does your race or religion have to do with anything that was said in the last thread? At no point did anyone say or imply anything about either of them. +1000000 as to what noleftturn said.
What the hell does your race or religion have to do with anything that was said in the last thread? At no point did anyone say or imply anything about either of them. +1000000 as to what noleftturn said. Originally Posted by pheonix63
I agree, you are using the race card really? In all the threads I have read, not once did anyone refer to your race. Clearly you do by putting it in your hooker name, I wouldn't have known your race otherwise and really don't care. Let's just be adults and stop with the race being the reason and you not being from kansas as the reason. So many of us are from other areas of the world and are different races, and different shades of crazy. It all depends on how we handle situations the right way. I normally don't respond to this crap I just read, but I couldn't bite my tongue its getting to be annoying and pathetic when I keep seeing you going ham with the damage and then damage control threads.

You have not affected my business and won't, but I do wish you well in this.
On another note, THis hot massage bitch has all her marbles!!! Hello!!
Aspen speaking of massages did you get your?
I did but I am so jacked up I am still deciding on getting two more this week in order to fix my back lol
...This hot massage bitch has all her marbles!!! Originally Posted by aspenp
Ok, let's take a moment to review her posting....

"seldom read these distasteful forums"...great way to capture your audience right off the bat, oui vey

"...due to other providers perceiving me as competition"...views of grandeur? Or simply clueless

"...assuming you are very warm/friendly gentlemen.." Oh yea, plenty of evidence both in your postings
texting, and just general communications that back up that statement...or not

"one is Persian and belongs to a specific religious group" Now where the heck did that come from.
could it have come from a thread in M/L??? Has the teacher been telling secrets???

"I am very calm, even tempered and friendly"....not even touching that one, lol

"I will no longer post or read..." Can we hold you to that one? Of course another retirement reference
is always amuzing

..."better off...not contacting other providers" This is so wrong, at so many levels...but especially at
a security level. Guys did you hear that?

"I observed a lot of extremely alarming personalities..." Yes we have, we just never (kind of) know what to
expect from ya!

Overall, things seem to be going well. The continual...excuses, give me another chance type of thinking,
the I'm better than everyone type of attitude, the implied "ya all to stupid" to realize when I'm joking (known as the "ha/ha argument) vs when I'm not.

Yep, things are definitely looking up!

Of course, I'm also not originally from these we just base our views on people with well establish track records, lol