Wichita Backpage Fake Pics ripoff

fake add, the provider at the door is nothing like the pics...


here is another add with the same number ad different pics.


KCQuestor's Avatar
mighty pants's Avatar
First warning sign...

"100% REAL PiCS. its ME or its FREE"

Second warning sign...

"my pics are 100% me"

I have found, more often than not, that if they take the time to tell you their pics are real... they aren't. Especially when backed up by the ol' "it's me or it's free" line. Or any percentage above 100. If they are 1000% real, I'll pass.
mighty pants's Avatar
...plus the pics have hits all over the place. At least one traces back to a provider website in Seattle.


Whiiiich unfortunately now has me pricing flights to Seattle.