I briefly scanned through
Scottsdale's document on this ordinance.
Since they worded this licensing law as if it were to apply to all. legitimate, non-sexual escort services, one would assume that prostitution is still illegal in Arizona, and came up with this because they had difficulty prosecuting prostitution cases.
Based on what I have read, this ordinance would also apply to the following escort services:
- Tour guides
- Police escorts at funerals
- security guards
- bodyguards
They law restricts escort services to a single designated address which contradicts the very definition of "escort", requires separate permits for every specific address at which an escorts business may take place. This makes it virtually impossible to comply. (as was probably intended)
So in order for the above valuable trades and services to exist, they must be selectively enforcing the law to avoid disrupting their livelihood.
If logic were to prevail (it often does not), I would think a good lawyer could find a way to have laws like this repealed.
The question is, who would pay them to do so?...