Stockpiling Weapons & Counterfeit NFL Jerseys

JCM800's Avatar
...wonder how cheap he was selling the jerseys for?

basically the Feds bust up this guys operation and find a small arsenal of guns with about 40,000 rounds of ammo + other fun stuff

According to an the inventory of seized items by investigators, the 48-year-old also had a "VHS tape of a national meeting of the National Socialist Movement and stickers from the National Alliance" and "notes with the names of Jewish and NAACP leaders in Detroit."
his lawyer says he's just a "survivalist"

"He had no intent to cause anyone harm," Bryan continued. "His collection of firearms and ammunition was similar to his collection of other items. He believes that our society may collapse one day, and he had to be prepared for what would happen."
as a bonus ...he is a convicted killer

Schmidt was found guilty of manslaughter in the shooting death of a 20-year-old, and served 13 years in prison
Chica Chaser's Avatar
18 guns is an arsenal?

And no a convicted felon should not be able to posses a gun. The arsenal terminology is funny, there are lots of arsenals around the country.