Pull the trigger or tap the brakes?

bored@home's Avatar
Question for the gents but maybe the ladies can help as well.
So there is someone I have had an eye on for awhile but we have never been in the same area at the right time. All comms have been good, typical small talk bs while trying to get a session setup. Things have kind of come together but now getting a very different vibe in the replies...short replies with no answer to the previous question, change in grammar, spelling mistakes...( I can't spell so who am I to judge) but they could in previous replies but not now. In my head I am now wondering who I am really talking to or who was I talking to before???
So the question, does it really matter who is on the other end so long as the girl pictured shows up?

Half of me is screaming I want that, the other half is thinking what the hell, bi polar, drunk, or mr manager ...worse yet could mr m. be the sultress that got the motor going in the first place...does that make me or him more gay... LOL

---edit--- added drunk; as I just got a slurred phone call explaining
OldGrump's Avatar
LOL, at first I thought you were going to talk about a tailgater.

The short replies with bad spelling could be the result of her using a phone instead of a computer to reply. Those keyboards have been mastered by some but I also find myself trying to get it over with instead of taking the time to phrase it correctly.

If you are getting close to dropping the hammer, give her a call and see how you feel after talking to her in person.
I feel the same way when a hobbyist texts me with bad grammar, misspelled words, or etc. Its a little bit of a turn-off. I always assume that they are ghetto or uneducated. I guess that's just one thing that ticks me off, but oh well. I've some hobbyists who truly don't know how to work their phones, but after talking to them on the phone, it was all good.
dallasfan's Avatar
I think you might be gay now.
OldGrump's Avatar
BSB, you should see some of the things Swype thinks I "keyed". I get a kick out of it but it takes me a lot longer to convey my message using it.

You are right that bad grammar and poor punctuation can be a bit of a put-off. With spell and grammar check, there is little excuse for it. But I can be stubborn when it comes to spelling and don't accept the checker's foul whistle - until I Google it and find out I may have been mistaken. Ok, I WAS mistaken, I screwed up. I can't spell some words. There, I said it.

OP > back to what BSB said. Using voice communication can clear things up or remove all doubt that they should remain murky.
maybe she has a new pimp texting you
Same answer I would give a provider. If you feel uneasy or uncomfortable about meeting, don't. Much better to miss out on a nice session than face a possibily very bad one. It may be dissapointing but safety first.

But do consider the remarks above. Several good ones there.
bored@home's Avatar
I think you might be gay now. Originally Posted by dallasfan
Thanks DF, was afraid that may have happened....about to go have a "einhorn is finkle" shower to wash it away
When in doubt walk away. There are too many reliable sexy sweet women in Dallas you could see instead.
I hate my iphone sometimes for what it does to my texts and posts sometimes. It I don't stay on top of it, the words will autocorrect into things that make the sentence structure look like a retard wrote it. As to the inebriation, that's completely understandable. I had a provider that I see send me a nice ass photo Saturday evening along with a funny series of texts to go with it (she had bruised it doing something silly). I didn't mind at all (she knows my phone is no issue). But her writing was boozed...so no biggie.

For the e-mails/texts I have with the few providers I do interact with, they're just fine. I don't fret over a few spelling errors or whether or not they've used a preposition correctly. Sometimes, we are all a little lazy. Just because I have an advanced degree, doesn't mean I'm not lazy or mitsake prone too.

But in your specific case, the person on the other end of your conversation is probably this guy... lol

(btw, I don't mean to offend any retards here on eccy).
But in your specific case, the person on the other end of your conversation is probably this guy... lol Originally Posted by SD2011
......or her booking agent. That is usually the case when there is no other option but to communicate via text or email.
......or her booking agent. That is usually the case when there is no other option but to communicate via text or email. Originally Posted by yourself

I do love the adverts that say "100% independent. Call and ask for..."

Seriously? lol