The Happiness Thermostat

I was reading from a book called Happy: Simple Steps To Get The Most Out Of Life by Ian K. Smith, M.D. Concept of the book is aimed at helping you feel your best, from the inside out.

One section talked about a person's Happiness Thermostat. Listed below are Things That Really Make People Happy.

Kind of takes A Lot of the stresses in life down drastically if we could all manage to incorporate these things into the way we all lives our lives.

Things That Really Make People Happy:
(1) Family, Friends and Social Companionship
(2) Helping Others
(3) Appreciating what you have, and not feeling wistful about what you don't have
(4) Making A Difference In Someone's Life
(5) Pursuing A Passion
(6) Taking Pride In One's Work
(7) Forgiving Someone For An Offense and Moving On
(8) Not Trying To Keep Up With The Joneses
[b]We all have a tremendous impact on our Happiness Destination...[\b]
I like.
nsafun05's Avatar
Longermonger's Avatar
My take:
Happiness is an emotional state in your brain. It's a feeling that's caused by 'happy' chemicals. Luckily, those chemicals are controlled by...your brain. (Your brain is in control of your brain.) So, you can just decide to be happy most of the time and poof! are.

Now give me a big toothy smile and make sure that you squint your eyes.

Feel better?

Bottomless is 100% correct. People are what make your life so great. Or miserable. LOL

Oh, and I want to add one more number to the list...
(9) giving/getting oral sex to/from members of the opposite sex

...makes me happy!
Honestly, longermonger, I was shocked to see that sex/sexual activity was no where on that list of what makes people happy LOL.

I would definitely add that to my list!!!

*I guess if you are having great sex, then one would be Happy!
*If you are not having great sex, or sex at all for that matter, then you are just frustrated LOL.

Muffrider's Avatar
I think the good sex comes from being happy rather than the other way around.

My "happiness thermostat" gets higher and harder the happier I am.
I was reading from a book called Happy: Simple Steps To Get The Most Out Of Life by Ian K. Smith, M.D. Concept of the book is aimed at helping you feel your best, from the inside out.

One section talked about a person's Happiness Thermostat. Listed below are Things That Really Make People Happy.

Kind of takes A Lot of the stresses in life down drastically if we could all manage to incorporate these things into the way we all lives our lives.

Things That Really Make People Happy:
(1) Family, Friends and Social Companionship
(2) Helping Others
(3) Appreciating what you have, and not feeling wistful about what you don't have
(4) Making A Difference In Someone's Life
(5) Pursuing A Passion
(6) Taking Pride In One's Work
(7) Forgiving Someone For An Offense and Moving On
(8) Not Trying To Keep Up With The Joneses
[b]We all have a tremendous impact on our Happiness Destination...[\b]
Originally Posted by BottomlessFilth
Sounds like a good read.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The eminent philosopher Woody Allen once said something to the effect of:

"Sex without love is an empty, meaningless act. But as empty, meaningless acts go, it's one of the best."
I think the good sex comes from being happy rather than the other way around. Originally Posted by Muffrider
I completely agree!
dirty dog's Avatar
Well I get happy everytime my thermostat is played with. Seriously though, this post was timely for me. This is an area of self reflection that I have been working on, you may have noticed a lack of imput form be in the sandbox, not letting negativity play a role in my life anymore. The life I have led, the world I have lived in breeds cynical attitudes and pessimism. Over the last month, after the funeral of a close associate, I have worked hard to look at the positive, to start each day with a smile and a thank you. I know this is sounding like a soap opera so I am going to stop. Life goes by so fast, by the time you realize you have lived it, your dead.
Bartman1963's Avatar
For what it's worth, I think people are truly happy and realize they are happy only about ten percent of the time.

Same for depression, or "feeling low". About ten percent of the time.

The rest of the time we are somewhere on a sliding scale between the two, not truly blissful but not miserable either.

What makes me happy? Getting my own way. Making sure my loved ones are safe. Making sure my kids have all they need and most of what they want. Knowing my wife loves me. (Even if she did have a love affair). Driving a car with some power. Shooting any kind of firearm. If the Dallas Cowboys are utterly destroying a hated opponent. Porn. Getting a blowjob with good wrist action, no teeth and plenty of tongue. Eating pussy until my woman can't control her body or what she says, and screams that she's coming. Beautiful breasts. Dark red lipstick on a womans sexy mouth. Drool running down my cock while that woman's dark red lips try to deepthroat me. Hillary Swank. Anne Hathaway. That actress whose character was murdered on "the L word".
That actress whose character was murdered on "the L word". Originally Posted by Bartman1963
'Jenny Scheter', I assume you mean...Mia Kirshner
She's hot...I'll give you that.
but I hope you like her for that...and not her character in the show!
Bartman1963's Avatar
Her character was fucked up. That's why I like the actress. Thanks for the name, Mia Kirschner. I always forget it, but not her. Scorching!
They needed to write a book to tell people to do that stuff?