Drive In Brothels

Check what Switzerland and other European Countries are doing.

Ya gotta love the signs posted.
Raquel de Milo's Avatar
That is hilarious, hardly even seems it could be real.
I think those signs were designed by the same people who write assembly instructions for IKEA
I lived in Europe for 12 years before returning to DFW. It boggles the mind how progressive they are in comparison to our floundering but still great republic.
I retweeted an article about this a few weeks ago. I love EUROPE!!
Some things just make sense.
I lived in Europe for 12 years before returning to DFW. It boggles the mind how progressive they are in comparison to our floundering but still great republic. Originally Posted by SD2011
Conservatives argue that the taxes in European countries are astronomical but I consider our taxes to be getting astronomical here as well. At least they have solid working government programs to show for it - hence the drive thrus (safety, convenience, etc for the working gal). I'm not a fan a huge government programs but its better than what we end up spending our wasted tax dollars on here in the states.

The private sector service is way better stateside though. Try getting your internet fixed in Italy - sheesh what a nightmare!! Lol.
Yes, I agree....
I view taxes like any other service. I dont care about the price or amount, I just want good value for my money. When it comes to taxes in the US, we are being robbed. DISD can't even get the kids to school.... So what am I getting for my tax dollars? I'm getting fucked without all the fun. In Europe you pay high taxes, but you get service too.
Houston was almost like this in the late 90's with the plethora of studios next to grocery stores and dry cleaners, and Hines WAS like this in the mid 80's! Park and turn on your lights if you remember!
Houston was almost like this in the late 90's with the plethora of studios next to grocery stores and dry cleaners, and Hines WAS like this in the mid 80's! Park and turn on your lights if you remember! Originally Posted by phildo
Interesting history. Explains a lot.
OldGrump's Avatar
Lights on: Oh do I remember Hines in the 80's. Just drive by a corner and pick the one you like. There were so many sour deals, we could have used ECCIE then.
Used to be something like that around San Antonio many years ago. It was on the East bound side of I-10 across from The Dominion. An old dark house in the hills. Always had a nice assortment of ladies.
Cleatus's Avatar
Great idea, however, they will screw up your order half the time and the speaker box.
e_l traveler's Avatar
Guess I'm packing my bags to Switzerland. Bye Bye USA.