No texts policies.

Mysterydate023's Avatar
This question is for the ladies. I notice on BP that several of the advertisers have a call only-no texts policy regarding contacting them. Is there a reason for this, beyond any personal preference? I imagine that it is possibly to avoid any "written record" that may incriminate a person? I hate talking on the phone, especially if it is a person who I have never met in person, and I sometimes have trouble hearing clearly. Additionally, some of the women who answer are terse and borderline rude. Sometimes I think they can't even remember their own aliases.
Imo, I think it's just a girls personal preference. Lk maybe she gets a lot of texts but most turn out to be a waste of time,(ex. Guy just wants to chat & might not be serious about making an appt) or maybe she just doesn't like texting. Another reason is that maybe she's "represented" & it's not her who's the one actually responding. Idk, we're all different w/ different policies. Just be respectful & you should be just fine. For me I love texting especially since most of the time I'm answering the same questions many times a day
Mysterydate023's Avatar
Keri, thanks. Sorry our meeting fell through.

I have seen a few ladies I wanted to meet, but I had to pass on them, since they were "no texts". Not a problem with the ladies here, as I find they pretty much answer back quickly. Well, there was one who's personal assistant missed me amongst a crowd of e-mails. Didn't get back to me for almost a month!. By that time, I'd completely forgotten I'd even made the contact.
DallasRain's Avatar
I personally PREFER a phone call.........especially if we have never just seems more intimate & personable.

But I will take texts if that is the guy's way of doing it..but then I will try get them to eventually send me an email to see if they are really serious about an appointment.'s a waste of time. Guys will just play games through text. Don't get me wrong guys play games through calls as well but it's much easier through text. If guys really want to make an appt they will call. I usually email or call when I meet a lady for the first time after that I may text to see if she is available.
Mysterydate023's Avatar
Thanks for the replies. To Dallas: if I had to call, I'd prefer to do it after an e-mail or text exchange. I hate the cold call. I like some contact first.

To L4F, I only contact a provider if I am serious.
some pimps cant read.
lol @ muny4huny
1ThickBlond's Avatar
I'm totally cool with texts from people I know. If we have never met I prefer a phone call for several reasons. Text is too anonymous and is also very impersonal I need to hear a voice to even know if you are someone I want to spend time with. Many of the guys that text are just playing games and wasting time with no intention of booking an appointment. The other big thing for me is the time it takes to text numerous times. I prefer a simple 2-3 minutes phone conversation to texting back and forth for 30 minutes. Multiply that times 10 or more and I would literally be texting for hours each day.
I always presumed a lot of the "no text" policy was because the girl was screening - no AA or other ethnic deal.

Not always, but I presumed that was often the case.
Yeh no text. Need to hear a voice. Bruthas be lying on email and text about being white and shit then show up blacker than night and try to get all up in my koolaid. When rejected they get on eccie whining about NBA policies.

Like I always told anyone non-white. Dont feel bad, I dont see mexicans, haji, asians, creole, and so on. Its not you, its me. I like my menz white as rice lmao.

No seriously, Im not racist...Text and Email are PAPER, hold up in court, so why the hell would you want to commit things in detail in writing? DUH
annie@christophers's Avatar
Its the first thing they grab and look at when girls/guys get arrested... if ya dont know them and discuss simple things on a reg basis...make them call.
Have the number of your known agency in your cell, text or calls, when the cops arrive and you are booked without question. 100% probable cause right there. If the texting to a client is mundane and without any illegal discussions then there are no legalities. You cant be arrested for arranging to meet someone, only for what occurs during the meet. So it matters not if it was arranged by text or call.
I'm totally cool with texts from people I know. If we have never met I prefer a phone call for several reasons. Text is too anonymous and is also very impersonal I need to hear a voice to even know if you are someone I want to spend time with. Many of the guys that text are just playing games and wasting time with no intention of booking an appointment. The other big thing for me is the time it takes to text numerous times. I prefer a simple 2-3 minutes phone conversation to texting back and forth for 30 minutes. Multiply that times 10 or more and I would literally be texting for hours each day. Originally Posted by 1ThickBlond

check your texts tiff!
Quote: Text and Email are PAPER, hold up in court, so why the hell would you want to commit things in detail in writing? DUH

Phone calls can be recorded.