I have questions for the many swarthy members so impressed with themselves that they feel the need to provide instructions in their reviews:
'Take care of this one,' or
'Treat her right.'
Is it only after you are pleased with a transaction that you will decide to treat a person right? Do you not just treat them right automatically, as part of your daily routine?
If you don't say treat her right, is she to be systematically beaten and pissed upon, thrown into a pit to grovel with the dogs?
What do you mean by saying that? Is everyone else to tip her more for your good time? Or should she be pampered and spoiled with gifts until shes the subject of the next GPS thread? Or is 'treating her right' taking the time to hope she gets over her PT issues after you just nearly ripped her ears off face-fucking her?
Or do you just not recognize the hubris in instructing other adults how to treat people? Because if they're really that inept and need your guidance, there's 9 billion other people they need instructions on how to treat. Better get crackin'.