
I have a double date coming up this week: myself, my regular client, and another escort who happens to live in my town. She and I have never met before, but I invited her to join because I like how she presents herself on her site (and obviously, he asked me to bring a friend).

I love doing doubles. First of all, I love hot girls almost as much as the average client does! And second, I always think it's fun to meet other ladies in the business.

I noticed that some providers specifically say that they don't do doubles at all. Some of them aren't bisexual. But other ones agree to see couples, but not another provider.

I'm just curious what people's reasons are for this preference—privacy? A bad experience in the past?


I enjoy spending time with both men and women alike and for the most part I am always open to doing doubles when requested by my gentlemen friends. However, there are times when I will absolutely NOT participate in doubles. Sometimes I get paranoid about the promotion aspect of it. Someone has to promote the double and the possibility of getting in trouble for promotion isn’t of interest to me. I guess this is where it is important to only do doubles with trusted friends. Doh!

Other times, I have chosen to not offer doubles because there simply aren’t any ladies around that I am attracted to. And I know of plenty of ladies who offer doubles with any lady as a means to make more money, but this is not the case for me. NOT ALL MONEY IS GOOD MONEY. And I will not subject myself to something that is not pleasurable to me. So unless I am attracted to the provider, I will not entertain the idea of a double, as I don't fake doubles. But if I do like the lady, well the double is bound to be amazing!! I love a double that is genuine and satisfying for all.

Now I have done a double with a provider I hadn’t met prior to the date. Of course we had spoken online on several occasions and we knew of each other quite extensively. We both thought that we would enjoy each other's company, but when we met the gent for the double, there was no chemistry between us and it couldn’t be faked. That was the first and last time in my companionship career that I excused myself from a date. And even though I made it an hour in to the four hour engagement, I left my envelope behind.
atlcomedy's Avatar

Now I have done a double with a provider I hadn’t met prior to the date. Of course we had spoken online on several occasions and we knew of each other quite extensively. We both thought that we would enjoy each other's company, but when we met the gent for the double, there was no chemistry between us and it couldn’t be faked. That was the first and last time in my companionship career that I excused myself from a date. And even though I made it an hour in to the four hour engagement, I left my envelope behind. Originally Posted by GiamarieLynn
I'll leave it to the ladies to tell us how they pick, but I absolutely think you need to need to make sure that you are compatible (however that is defined*). If he specifies I want to see you and girl behind door #2 he is picking and he kind of has made his own bed, so to speak I he says "bring a friend" I think implicit in that is that she's known, safe, discreet, etc. but also that the two of you work well together.

*as for compatible guys have different ideas of what a good threesome is, everything from being able to both kind of "pampering" the guy to being able to work well at different ends (so to speak) to expecting so serious hard core girl on girl....knowing what he is expecting is important.
pyramider's Avatar
Doubles? Left and Right hands . . . .
I may be doing a double with another provider later this month. It will be my first and I'm looking forward to it. It will be my 4th meeting with the hobbyist, and my first threesome.
Yes, I am one of those escorts who has no interest in seeing couples , or offering doubles with another escort. For me the reason is pretty simple, I am just not attracted to other women. I think that some women are very beautiful to look at, but they do nothing for me on a sexual level.

If I were to attempt a threesome with a client I feel that I would just come across as uncomfortable, and fake. Also I really do prefer the intimacy of a one on one situation, or as it says on my site

I do not play well with others
discreetgent's Avatar

I do not play well with others Originally Posted by Becky
So that's where Ed learned not to play with the squirrel

As for doubles: with 2 gals that have chemistry, yummmmmmmmmy; with 2 that don't quite have it? its really not that bad either lol
jsparrow's Avatar
I've done this twice. In both cases I had met the ladies individually and thought they would be a good match. Put it all together, told them what I planned, and had a GREAT!!! experience.

The third time I tried to set up a "surprise" meeting for my ATF. BIG mistake!!! I told her about it the night before...She called the next morning and said she wasn't comfortable with the arrangement and wasn't going to show. Told me later it took time to get into the mindset and that she needed to communicate with the other lady before meeting.

I had a great time with the aforementioned guest but no 3-some. My fault. It absolutely makes sense.I'm still learning about women (times running out..."When I'm 64" has arrived) but I sure know some wonderful ladies!!!
TinMan's Avatar
I have been in more bad doubles situations than good, so unless a) at least one of the women is someone I've been with a few times, such that I trust her judgment, and b) she lets me know it's something she's into (vs. simply tolerates)...then I won't push it.

I can tell you from personal experience that it's pretty obvious if any one of the parties aren't into it, so why waste money on something like that?

Oh, and Analisa, if that regular of yours backs out of your doubles session for any reason...well, you know where to find me
There is something about kissing another woman. I love men but the lips of a woman are soft and sensual. I'm not bi either but your missing out.

Kitten's Avatar
I have had a client arrange a 3 some. The double was great however, chemistry is the key. If you choose to do doubles you have to find someone you click with . Not all bisexual ladies make good doubles partners.

I have also been involved with a few couples. This I think is the best of both worlds and really do enjoy it best. The couples have history together that enriches the experience.

On the flip side of that I have turned down a double with a provider I just did not see myself clicking with .
What a great topic!

I think doubles with another provider and sessions with a couple are two entirely different animals. I've been lucky enough to see a fair amount of couples, and I will admit that they require a more delicate touch and are more challenging than one-on-one dates. I can understand why some women wouldn't be comfortable seeing a couple given all the issues that come up: making sure each person is comfortable and satisfied, making sure not to offend one spouse by seeming more attentive to or interested in the other, etc. In my experience, there is always one partner (not always the guy!) who is more gung ho than the other, and when they aren't on the same page, it means a lot of negotiating and care is required... I think I've only ever been with one couple who seemed completely enthusiastic and eager. I've seen female clients one-on-one and that can be challenging, too, since it takes a little bit of time for them to stop talking. In those situations, I always have to initiate something beyond conversation because otherwise I think we'd talk for the entire time!

In theory, I would love to do more doubles, but in practice, it's tough to find a girl I click with. Of course not every double is created equal; a client who is into domination wants a different experience than one with more predictable tastes. If we're both entirely catering to him, our chemistry is not such an issue. But doubles with someone I haven't met usually make me nervous. I've been in too many sessions with girls who are faking it, and that makes me extremely uncomfortable. If respecting the other girl's boundaries means the client doesn't get what he was expecting, I'd rather skip the date altogether than have to leave someone feeling resentful. GiamarieLynn is so spot on with her comment about some girls agreeing to anything as long as it means more money, and that's the type of situation I'm wary of.
Rudyard K's Avatar
I'm not a doubles fan.

I guess if I have a hankering for chocolate cake...I want my own piece of cake. If I'm feeling more like cheese cake...I'll get my own piece of cheese cake.

I never really cared much for passing around the desserts...and get zero enjoyment out of watching someone else eat theirs.
I never really cared much for passing around the desserts...and get zero enjoyment out of watching someone else eat theirs. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Ha! I think sharing a plate of chocolate covered strawberries, maybe dangling one by the stem over another's mouth, can be quite enjoyable actually!

The girl I invited presents herself in a way that I really like, and I've been curious to meet her. Unless she's completely lying about everything (which I doubt, because she has reviews), I have a good feeling our personalities will mesh well. I guess you never quite know for sure, but isn't that true any time two strangers meet each other? In a way I guess I'm being the client this time, just picking out a woman who looks interesting. Only I don't have to pay.

I also happen to know that this particular gentleman couldn't care less if she and I are attracted to one another, he just wants twice the attention on himself. So there is less pressure for us to fall in lust.

I guess I had one doubles experience that was a little bit awkward. A woman invited me along, having never met me, to see a client whom she had also never met. I guess he told her to just bring someone, and trusted her judgement even though they had never met (she and I had a mutual friend, so I guess she had some idea I was legitimate ahead of time). I was quite new to the business then and didn't see any reason to say no. It wasn't horrible but it turned out that he and I clicked much better than she did with either of us. We still made it through the evening gracefully though. I had a drink with her afterwords and never saw her again. He later found me online and became my regular client.

How are people (well, Avery at least!) getting all these couples and female clients? I want some!
I am one of the ones that sees couples but does't double with another provider. I have never had a good (organic) experience with the latter so I just stopped doing it. - have seen several couples and enjoyed every single one of's really been enjoyable. Before I worked as a provider, I spent a long time trying to find a woman to join both me and my BF...someone that we would both enjoy. The main thing for me (given it was my first time) was to find someone that wasn't competitive and someone that wasn't intimidating..everything else came way down the list. I always remember that when visiting with couples. I find that often the lady needs leading at first but when she gets comfortable she will really open up and explore herself as well as her partners reactions to her exploring me.

I think the worst doubles experience I had was with a woman who was more interested in me than the guy. That's fine on my time but not on his dime. Needless to say I left my portion of the donation in the bathroom on the way out. As other ladies have said, you have to have really srong chemistry with the other woman to do a great doubles session...and that kind of fit can take a long time to find.
