Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith took shelter in the secure building in the middle of the compound. Ambassador Stevens used his satellite phone to call with the news that a terroristis attack was underway. Instead of killing them outright, the terrorists set fire to the building in an effort to drive them out. A third member, Scott Strickland, escaped through a window. Later Smith's body was found inside and Stevens body was recovered at a local hospital where parties unknown had taken it.
A rescue force left Tripoli bound for Benghazi thought the aircraft was too small for the entire force and two trips were required. A army special forces rescue team was dispatched to Sigonella, Sicily but did not continue on to Benghazi three hours away. A team lead by Ty Woods and Sean Smith from the CIA annex was dispatched and reached the consulate under fire. They recovered the wounded, survivors, and Smith's body and returned to the annex. A unarmed drone was ordered to orbit the city to provide real time video.
The attack on the CIA annex began almost four hours after the attack on the consulate began. Five hours later the small response team from Tripoli arrived and plans were made to evacuate the annex of the 32 people inside. Ty Woods and Sean Smith were still alive eight hours after the initial attack on the consolate. Ty Woods was mortally wounded along with David Ubben and Sean Smith was killed instantly by a professionally fired mortar round. It is believed that the small force of underarmed defenders had killed over 100 attackers.
The inability to hold on to the consulate and annex resulted in the loss of computers and sensitive documents listing friendly agents operating in Libya and known weapon caches.
The only aid dispatched was aid that was not ordered by the White House.
Susan Rice went on TV and said that "riot" was the result of a video though the White House and State Department knew that a terrorist attack had occurred.
Barack Obama refrained from describing the attack as a terrorist attack for a week.
Why was our ambassador in Benghazi on the most dangerous day of the year without a protective detail? We have never been told.
Why was the video lie put out and who suggested (or ordered) the lie?
Why were the Army commandos never ordered to proceed?
Why were the elements of the sixth fleet never ordered to send helicopters, marines, or F-18s to provide cover? Remember, 32 lightly armed defenders killed over 100 attackers and held out for nine hours. Imagine if 60 heavily armed marines were added to the mix with air cover.
Why have the news services been able to interview the mastermind but the Obama administration has not been able to capture or kill him?