How often....

Do you Hobby? Once a week??? Once a month?????

Do you find that you like variety or do like going to see an ATF on a regular basis?

John Bull's Avatar
Charles T can answer for me.
JB, I didn't know you and I were hobby twins.

Once in a blue moon.

I would like to try and establish an ATF, but travel too much to do so. Also, my PA is based on reviews and you don't get credit for reviewing the same provider over and over and over again. So between the traveling and the review requirements, I am locked into variety.
Mazomaniac's Avatar
I only hobby when the various stars of provider, time, and circumstance align themselves perfectly. That usually means its rare.

It all starts with the provider, though. Gotta be just the right person or I don't even bother getting things started.

discreetgent's Avatar
It depends.
atlcomedy's Avatar
It depends. Originally Posted by discreetgent

I only hobby when the various stars of provider, time, and circumstance align themselves perfectly. That usually means its rare.

It all starts with the provider, though. Gotta be just the right person or I don't even bother getting things started.

Mazo. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
Just the opposite for me. Begins with schedule & while I'll be selective within those confines, I don't have a "bucket list" or "to-do list" of ladies I "just must see & I'll move mountains to see them"
  • MrGiz
  • 08-10-2010, 08:13 PM
I am sort of, on a semi-lunar schedule.... I try to play at least twice/month.... with a combination of favorite repeats and delicious new treats. I am blessed with the opportunity to play in both New Orleans and Central Arkansas.... and everywhere in between.... every month.

Being marooned, offshore for 14 days at a time, usually requires two playdates in New Orleans.... and as many as I can get away with for twelve days in Arkansas.... I am a Fortunate Dawg.... no complaints!

runswithscissors's Avatar
I would have to say twice a week when travelling abroad, and I am usaually gone for a month at a time. When I am in my hometown, probably twice a month and very selective at that.

I enjoy the variety; I simply enjoy meeting new and interesting people, so I do not think I am ATF material....
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 08-10-2010, 10:10 PM
Do I get a discount if I say all the time?
ziggy48's Avatar
Two to Three times a month.... just depends..
Gryphon's Avatar
2-5 times/month, depending on my schedule. I have some favorites that I like to see regularly, but when our schedules don't mesh I don't mind some variety. I've generally found my experience to be better on subsequent dates than on the first meeting.
About once or twice a month or so unless i find a new one which peaks my interest then usually see her a few times in the same week.
About once or twice a month depending on opportunity
About once a month (unless I have an arrangement with the provider), plus a couple of trips to the local SC during the month. Both are subject to change depending on my SO's need for attention and other social activities. Periodically, all hobbying and related activity stops for marital renewal.
marital renewal. Originally Posted by SideSex2
There is such a thing???? I thought it was all urban legend.