Job Creation - Bush vs Obama

Originally Posted by therock18
The Ozombies on here can still afford a hooker. They will not believe it until it hit's them in the nuts or vag.

WAIT, am I being rracccccissstt...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You know what is wrong with this chart? Where are those 16,000 IRS agents that we heard so much about? Bogus bullshit again. Is that all the Obama crowd can serve up?

So proud of himself, but no link?

here is the link to a series of charts showing the truth

private jobs were higher under Bush and public jobs are higher under Obama
I B Hankering's Avatar
You know what is wrong with this chart? Where are those 16,000 IRS agents that we heard so much about? Bogus bullshit again. Is that all the Obama crowd can serve up?

So proud of himself, but no link?

here is the link to a series of charts showing the truth

private jobs were higher under Bush and public jobs are higher under Obama Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Cat got your tongue EVA?
Obama has double jobs. You need two jobs now in order to survive!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-14-2013, 09:33 AM
Bohner Head yammers ..

“Jobs continue to be our number one priority here in the Congress. The president’s policies are undermining economic growth. Four years of slow job growth is frankly just unacceptable. I think we can do a whole lot better.
“This week the House is taking action on two parts of our jobs plan: expanding American energy and approving the Keystone pipeline; and secondly, strengthening our student loan system for students and their families.
“We’re working to build a stronger, healthier economy for all Americans, even as we work to hold this administration accountable.”

- See more at:
Cat got your tongue EVA? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

No just laughing at you fuckers that have said many times Presidents don't create jobs.
No just laughing at you fuckers that have said many times Presidents don't create jobs. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They don't. They create an atmosphere that either hinders or promotes job growth through stable taxation policies (no surprises), lower taxes (no punishment for success), and reduced bureacracy (the non-fucking clause). In none of these has Obama done anything to promote job growth. It shows in the charts. Private business is increasing but at a rate that does not support the current employment picture. Given the current growth rate (which is actually a negative) there will be fewer job holders when Obama finally slinks away.

Shouldn't be necessary but look at who I'm trying to communicate with. It takes 180,000 jobs a month to stay even and every time that it comes in less then it is an overall NEGATIVE job growth rate even if the number by itself is positive. Kind of like getting air underwater but not enough to keep you alive.
They don't. They create an atmosphere that either hinders or promotes job growth through stable taxation policies (no surprises), lower taxes (no punishment for success), and reduced bureacracy (the non-fucking clause). In none of these has Obama done anything to promote job growth. It shows in the charts. Private business is increasing but at a rate that does not support the current employment picture. Given the current growth rate (which is actually a negative) there will be fewer job holders when Obama finally slinks away.

Shouldn't be necessary but look at who I'm trying to communicate with. It takes 180,000 jobs a month to stay even and every time that it comes in less then it is an overall NEGATIVE job growth rate even if the number by itself is positive. Kind of like getting air underwater but not enough to keep you alive. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Suppose it is useless to remind you after the last election what your party said their priority was. ...You have selective memory ,
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Politicians can say what they want. I thought we were talking reality?

I will grant that sometimes a person can say something like "I will go in and verify this" which really means some military guys will go in under fire and verify this.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-15-2013, 05:51 AM
Politicians can say what they want. I thought we were talking reality? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Same thing can be said for right-wing ECCIE lunatics. Apparently.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Another non-response from a peanut.