Young boy arrested and charged with terrorism for playing a game simulation on his smart phone.

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GRAY, LA (WGNO) – A student at H. L. Bourgeois High School accused of using a mobile phone app to simulate shooting his classmates was booked and jailed in Terrebonne Parish.

The app is called “The Real Strike” and simulates a first person shooter game, except the battleground is real life.

“You can’t ignore it,” says Major Malcolm Wolfe. “We don’t know at what time that game becomes reality.”

Wolfe office says a 15-year-old was arrested after posting a video on YouTube using the Real Strike app to shoot other kids at school, “He said it was a result of him being frustrated and tired of being bullied. He said that he had no intentions of hurting anybody. We have to take all threats seriously and we have no way of knowing that without investigating and getting to the bottom of it.”

He says the student was arrested for terrorizing and interference of the operation of a school.

“With all the school shooting we’ve had in the United States, it’s just not a very good game to be playing at this time,” according to Wolfe.

Parents told investigators their son does not have access to any fire arms.


Well damn, I guess they need to go arrest the millions who play real life simulated games on their computers too!
JCM800's Avatar
he shouldn't have posted the video on the web ....possible school shootings are kind of a sensitive subject that people take pretty seriously.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
he shouldn't have posted the video on the web ....possible school shootings are kind of a sensitive subject that people take pretty seriously. Originally Posted by JCM800
This app has been out for some time, and there are a crap ton of youtube videos online of kids who have posted their game play with it.

See youtube link for example

It is ridiculous, its a video game on a phone, and if they are so concerned they would be arresting every kid who has already posted their game play with this device on youtube.
JCM800's Avatar
then i'm guessing the "bullied" comment plays into it.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
then i'm guessing the "bullied" comment plays into it. Originally Posted by JCM800

I guess, but seems like an over reaction. Why not invest in a good counselor for the kid? Something constructive instead of these trumped up charges?
Hermosa's Avatar
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GRAY, LA (WGNO) – A student at H. L. Bourgeois High School accused of using a mobile phone app to simulate shooting his classmates was booked and jailed in Terrebonne Parish.

The app is called “The Real Strike” and simulates a first person shooter game, except the battleground is real life.

“You can’t ignore it,” says Major Malcolm Wolfe. “We don’t know at what time that game becomes reality.”

Wolfe office says a 15-year-old was arrested after posting a video on YouTube using the Real Strike app to shoot other kids at school, “He said it was a result of him being frustrated and tired of being bullied. He said that he had no intentions of hurting anybody. We have to take all threats seriously and we have no way of knowing that without investigating and getting to the bottom of it.”

He says the student was arrested for terrorizing and interference of the operation of a school.

“With all the school shooting we’ve had in the United States, it’s just not a very good game to be playing at this time,” according to Wolfe.

Parents told investigators their son does not have access to any fire arms.


Well damn, I guess they need to go arrest the millions who play real life simulated games on their computers too! Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
I am always amazed at our ability as humans to justify hurting another human being. I am shocked and appalled at our ability to justify hurting a child. It seems to me that more and more persons in a position of respected authority will justify hurting a child for the sake of self promotion. How perverted has our society become that we would do these things? I've read about "little kids", being arrested and put in a cell to teach them not to "have a tantrium" in school. Isn't that what little kids do sometimes? Or for playing "cops and robbers" or "cowboys and indians" or "soilders". I am amazed at the madness that some have to justify hurting a child to 'teach the child". To me, this is no different than the madness that allows someone to justify "molesting a child" sexually! I think it's time to call a pervert a pervert. There is a lot of perversions out there. Some in the shadows and some in the public.