
Has anyone gotten a Colonic??? If so where in San Antonio did you go and was it clean and professional? Thanks
Rakhir's Avatar
Never done one myself but I have noticed a couple of places located on West Ave just north of Lockhill-Selma by about 2-3 blocks with large signs advertising the procedure.

Hope that helps.
I've always been interested...but never had one done. Someone told me a doctor has to write a prescription prior to setting an appointment. Can anyone verify this?
suks2bu's Avatar
If it is enema, then yup, you probably need a doctors order. Vagus nerve stimulation and what have you and then there are different types of solutions for varying degrees of impaction and you will be need to be monitored. I am in nursing school and the one time I saw it done, the lady was impacted and her abdomen was dystended. So an order was placed and we did an enema on her, no big deal but it looked uncomfortable. It was about a liter bag of solution. Can't remember what type, there are many different kinds. You probably could do it at home, although it might be a little messy.