Chief Record

sipapi's Avatar
Recently made a bet with my best friend concerning Chiefs Record. I say 10-6, they said 7-9. Have we turned the corner or are we still a year away? Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?? What say you community?
dirty dog's Avatar
They will be a much improved club, however, until they strengthen their LB core and get a dynamic break away receiver they are at best a 6-10 7-9 or 8-8 team its just going to depend on how the ball bounces and what type of breaks they get. As usual the schedule does not help us (why does the NFL hate us). But I would be happy with a improved competative team with this type of record. 10-6 put them in the place off hunt, I am just not ready to think they are there yet. But it will be fun, my other favorite team the raiders will also be vastly improved. I know I know, Cheif and a Raider fan, scary isn't it. LOL
8-8 middle of the pack no playoffs

Sep. 13 (H) - San Diego - W (1 - 0)
Sep. 19 (A) - Cleveland - W (2 - 0)
Sep. 26 (H) - San Francisco - L (2 - 1)
Oct. 10 (A) - Indianapolis - L (2 - 2)
Oct. 17 (A) - Houston - W (3 - 2)
Oct. 24 (H) - Jacksonville - W (4 - 2)
Oct. 31 (H) - Buffalo - W (5 - 2)
Nov. 7 (A) - Oakland - L (5 - 3)
Nov. 14 (A) - Denver - L (5 - 4)
Nov. 21 (H) - Arizona - W (6 - 4)
Nov. 28 (A) - Seattle - W (7 - 4)
Dec. 5 (H) - Denver - W (8 - 4)
Dec. 12 (A) - San Diego - L (8 - 5)
Dec. 19 (A) - St. Louis - W (9 - 5)
Dec. 26 (H) - Tennessee - L (9 - 6)
Jan. 2 (H) - Oakland - W (10 - 6)

Given that San Francisco, Houston, Tennessee are toss ups and the division games are usually splits.
Thequeen's Avatar
OMG your a chief and a raider fan...... Thats strike one there lol Hpwever I do beleive that those two teams will be at the top of our divison but still I hate the raiders lol......

I think they will do at least8-8 but Im hoping for more!!!!
Gryphon's Avatar
Anything less than 8-8 will be a disappointment. The Football Outsiders Almanac projects them to go 9-7 or 10-6 and win the division; I'm not sure I'm that optimistic, but it would sure be nice to be back in the playoffs.

I saw their depth chart for the Atlanta game--why are Mays/Williams first team at ILB and why, oh why is Rudy Niswanger the first team center?
Thequeen's Avatar
Gryphon any chance you have the link for the depth chart??? Id like to take a look at it
Thequeen's Avatar
Nevermind lol I found it...... I dont know how I feel bou Leggett be the return man.... We shall see how it goes. Seems like last year there was a different guy back there every week.. Couldnt get it right!
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 08-12-2010, 12:36 PM
We still castrate Raider fans don't we???

I think they have a real chance to do well this season. I would be happy with 9-7 but I think 10 or 11 wins is possible.
dirty dog's Avatar
"We still castrate Raider fans don't we???"

Hell that happened the day I got married LOL.

Ahhh pre-season when optimism rules the day. I hope they do that well, but I am not sure we have picked up enough talent to warrent a 10-6 or better season. I would love to see it, I think we can all agree though that Denver is going to suck LOL.
Thequeen's Avatar
LOL @ bubba That was a good one... Yes we do

I agree denver will suck but what bout SD... They are really screwed up over there too all the chances and losses and the guys still holding out... The chiefs and raiders look the best right now.. Of course chiefs on top as #1 lol
All I know is I get to go on a really fun trip in January LOL.

I am super happy that the whole city is stoked with anticipation for the Chefs this season! That's freaking Awesome!!! Nothing like a state(s) that really sticks behind their team.

Speaking of that......Go Cowboys!!! LOL
Thequeen's Avatar
Speaking of that......Go Cowboys!!! LOL Originally Posted by BottomlessFilth

HOLD ON!!! Wait just a min Bottomlessfilth that language is not allowed on our board lol Where is bubba when we need him lol
Some days I swear, I'm the only person not living in Texas that loves them as much as I do LOL.

I just hope they can pull a rabbit out of their asses this season so they can play in the Super Bowl on home territory. You think Texans are excessive fans, just think of the craziness if they were in the Super Bowl at the Roman Colosseum/Coliseum LOL err I mean Cowboys Stadium LMAO!!
growler's Avatar
Bottomless you mean the Jerry Dome, as some people from Dallas call it LOL......I think 10&6 is a bit of a reach (hope I'm wrong) I can see 8-8 though.
super bowl Steelers and ?