5 Years Later: 16 Stats That Put Any Liberal's Claim That Our Economy Is Healthy to Shame

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-19-2013, 06:20 PM
shut down the government in one breath then bitch about the economy with the next

you're a piece of work aint cha?
We need to shut down gov't so we can stop your welfare checks!

shut down the government in one breath then bitch about the economy with the next

you're a piece of work aint cha? Originally Posted by CJ7
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
shut down the government in one breath then bitch about the economy with the next

you're a piece of work aint cha? Originally Posted by CJ7
Do you make a living off the government?
Do you make a living off the government? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
The same guy who just asked the above referenced question brags that he will be moving soon to a country whose very existence is dependent upon the US Government for its survival. As if that's not enough, he will also be receiving a monthly Social Security check from the US "government."

Tell us once again who is making "a living off the (US) government"?

Fukin' freeloaders!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
and such a well-constructed headline sentence, JL!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The same guy who just asked the above referenced question brags that he will be moving soon to a country whose very existence is dependent upon the US Government for its survival. As if that's not enough, he will also be receiving a monthly Social Security check from the US "government."

Tell us once again who is making "a living off the (US) government"?

Fukin' freeloaders! Originally Posted by bigtex
I earned my SS check by paying in far more in taxes than I will ever get out. It is in the strategic interest of the United States to have Israel as an ally in the Middle East, and provide such minor support as is needed from time to time.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
why would YOU qualify as an ally in the Middle East, rocky?

How would YOU provide anything other than frogmouthed arrogance? the one thing they've got over there is bluster. I suppose YOURE going to be a translator Marshall?

but to which of your many personae will the US make out your monthly welfare check?

Delusional fraud. We're two weeks away. What's the over under on the "Im Back" post? Two weeks? a month? A day?

Make no mistake, this crackpot ain't going anywhere.
The economy is a hell of a lot better after Obama kicked W out the door. In W's own words, "this suckers coming down!" unless he got the tax payer bailout of wallstreet. The republicans took a healthy, vibrant economy and ran it into the ground!!!!! We even surpluses before the republicans got ahold of the budget! Yea, Obama hasn't turned it around, but it's a hell of a lot better once we got the republicans out of the White House. If only, the idiot House republicans would act like congressmen Obama might be able to totally rebuild. Instead, all the republicans do is try to destroy Obama instead of building the country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The economy is a hell of a lot better after Obama kicked W out the door. In W's own words, "this suckers coming down!" unless he got the tax payer bailout of wallstreet. The republicans took a healthy, vibrant economy and ran it into the ground!!!!! We even surpluses before the republicans got ahold of the budget! Yea, Obama hasn't turned it around, but it's a hell of a lot better once we got the republicans out of the White House. If only, the idiot House republicans would act like congressmen Obama might be able to totally rebuild. Instead, all the republicans do is try to destroy Obama instead of building the country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by txrancher1
No shit.

Thank GOD that their numbers continue to dwindle.

What are our resident shitheels gonna do when they realize that whookers don't like abusive assholes? Probably nothing because none of these guys seek the bearded clam!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The economy is a hell of a lot better after Obama kicked W out the door. In W's own words, "this suckers coming down!" unless he got the tax payer bailout of wallstreet. The republicans took a healthy, vibrant economy and ran it into the ground!!!!! We even surpluses before the republicans got ahold of the budget! Yea, Obama hasn't turned it around, but it's a hell of a lot better once we got the republicans out of the White House. If only, the idiot House republicans would act like congressmen Obama might be able to totally rebuild. Instead, all the republicans do is try to destroy Obama instead of building the country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by txrancher1
All hat and no cattle, pussy avoiding boy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
another excellent retort, courtesy of ECCIE's leading psychotic traitor.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, if Israel didn't exist, the US probably wouldn't need an ally in the Middle East, or we'd have much better relations with the who have been there. Israel is not helping us in the Middle East.
Now this is an example of a LIBTARD who blindly follows his party. Does not read, has NO comprehension and does not care about the facts. The chart in this post shows that Obama is a fucking idiot who fucked up the economy. The liberals have been in charge since 2006 even if Bush was President. Bush was an idiot for trying to work with them. He should have told them to fuck off. Republicans warned about the housing crisis in 2005 while LIBTARDS were screaming racism and what happened?

Does LIBTARD txranger1 read that Dumbamacare is causing people to lose money, work hours and their health insurance? Absolutely not!!!! This libtard just chants their mantra just like assup, cj7, exnyer, and every other ignorant libtard here! Dumbama picks and chooses who will follow Dumbamacare. America is suppose to be people centric not government centric. Government centric is Russia where every aspect of the government is in our life and that is Obama's goal. Worst recovery in history. Unemployment rate is going down because people are quitting the job force and giving up not because more people are becoming employed.

The economy is a hell of a lot better after Obama kicked W out the door. In W's own words, "this suckers coming down!" unless he got the tax payer bailout of wallstreet. The republicans took a healthy, vibrant economy and ran it into the ground!!!!! We even surpluses before the republicans got ahold of the budget! Yea, Obama hasn't turned it around, but it's a hell of a lot better once we got the republicans out of the White House. If only, the idiot House republicans would act like congressmen Obama might be able to totally rebuild. Instead, all the republicans do is try to destroy Obama instead of building the country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by txrancher1
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thanks BOTH of you, Rock AND JL (snick!)