Women and Men Who Skate: Extra Sexy/Sexy Scary?

Whenever Trees sees a great skateboarder/skater, have always enjoyed sometimes getting stuck into delicious can't-look-away moments. Watching them fly and spin and grind their boards fantastic.

Sometimes super sexy too. To maintain balance, initiate a turn or trick, skaters forced to sway hips forward and back, to stick out butt and instantly switch back to broadening of the chest and lunging upward. Or down. Sometimes scary sexy indeed.

NYT did a nice job of photojournalism today here


Below are some of the pics contained in that piece, and a few more that Trees has added.

Do we have providers in the Austin community who are Skater Girls?

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I like the top one, she is a lick and I bet here half pipe skills are great too.

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
The top one reminds me of a girl back in my home town. I grew up in a northern cal beach town, lots of skater chicks and surfer babes, not scary at all.

Luvdatpuddy's Avatar
I'll take the 6-pack in the second pic...then probably a coffin, as I happily assume I wouldn't live through it.
I used to skateboard when I was younger... Can't really do any fancy tricks though... I still have my longboard I got when I lived in Santa Cruz... Just in case I ever get the urge again... I still love to rollerblade and ice skate when I'm in the mood or invited(:
I play hockey. does ice-hockey or ice-skating count? hehe
Rorollerblading genius right here lol I can also do some mean tricks on a scooter lol.
chupataco's Avatar
I like the way how some of those shots seem like real skaters and others don't. I haven't read the article but here is my realtime knee-jerk assessment as to what is real and what is not.

1) Looks real but wait a moment; the button on her short shorts is undone. FAKE.
2) Totally fake. There is not a real skater in the bunch. FAKE.
3) Gritty and simple. REAL
4) Too much glitter. Too much bling. FAKE
5) That could happen. PROBABLY REAL
6) Kids skating in the subway. Get off my lawn! REAL.
7) Although most black men do not skate or jump out of airplanes this one is: REAL
8) 9 and 10 for that matter. Boring. REAL
11) She is selling ripped apparel. FAKE
12) This is real although see 7 and multiply by a factor of 4 for black women. By the way I would totally do her. Her with that skateboard and that come take me look. REAL
13) The jiggle physics are on point. REAL
14) She's selling something. I don't know if it is rollerblades, tattoos, short shorts or hair products but no one looks like that after falling on their tail bone. FAKE.
SAUrbanAnimal's Avatar
Austin lost a great skating venue recently when it was decided to cancel the Texas Road Rash held in the spring. I do mostly long distance speed skating and my vacation time is centered around hitting the races throughout the USA. I'm going to miss the 1 event I could drive too. Lucky for me, I did win my cheese grater for being in the top 3 in my age bracket.