A government shutdown would violate the public trust - Gov. Scott Walker

flghtr65's Avatar
This republican governor does not want to shut down the government over Obamacare.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is the second time that you've demonstrated comphrehension problems. You should have that looked at. Seems pretty simple to me but then again I don't let "reporters' make my opinion for me. Let me see if I can simplify this for you...government shutdown bad, Obamacare worse, GOP has made bill to avoid shutdown, bill also puts Obamacare on life support (in a coma), democrats can chose between something worse or something good, they can vote FOR the GOP bill to fund the government and defund Obamacare.

Their choice comes down to this; Obama has been bitten of the dick by a rattlesnake and the senate has to chose whether to suck out the poison or let it go.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-21-2013, 12:13 PM
This is the second time that you've demonstrated comphrehension problems. You should have that looked at. Seems pretty simple to me but then again I don't let "reporters' make my opinion for me. Let me see if I can simplify this for you...government shutdown bad, Obamacare worse, GOP has made bill to avoid shutdown, bill also puts Obamacare on life support (in a coma), democrats can chose between something worse or something good, they can vote FOR the GOP bill to fund the government and defund Obamacare.

Their choice comes down to this; Obama has been bitten of the dick by a rattlesnake and the senate has to chose whether to suck out the poison or let it go. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

its a little deeper than the senate making the decision to suck a dick, the rightwingers want to cut off the balls of the credibility of the country, and refuse to pay our debt to every federal supported program around the world ... including YOUR pension you dumbass.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
its a little deeper than the senate making the decision to suck a dick, If it does more than scratch the surface, mopboy's in trouble the rightwingers want to cut off the balls of the credibility of the country, and refuse to pay our debt to every federal supported program around the world ... including YOUR pension you dumbass. Originally Posted by CJ7
Now, now, CJ7, you're asking for the intellectual leader of the Teawipe Universe to stop and actually think about consequences. Silly man.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I am so tired of hearing Obama's lies about what will happen if he fails to approve the CR.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
change the channel then, 2dipshits. You whine like four dogs!

What the President doesn't seem to understand is we should have never bought the damned truck in the first place.

Just like millions of Americans, we let the slick car salesman convince us, as a Country,that "it's just a couple of hundred billion a month".

This should be a reality show on cable TV, "Repo Man, DC.