Any intel on this BP bombshell

Shrewd's Avatar

Could not find any reviews or comments about her on eccie.
bule84's Avatar
Pimp running an ad?
To each his own. I guess.
Al Czervik's Avatar
Shrewd, search "Whitney" in the Houston forum. Several reviews of her from 2012 but all appear to have been self written (quack). She has run ads in Dallas, Houston, and in Michigan over the last couple of years. Please report back if you take the plunge. Call me weird, but I kinda like her thickness.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
That is definitely one big ass ... ass
That's a VERY big ass. lol
I think her ass makes mine look small!
Personally I like a girls ass that makes my cock look big. That girls ass would make any guy think his cock shrank.
Sugar Mr. Poon?'s Avatar
Scheduling with her could get confusing because that ass is in two different time zones. Whoa....
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
yikes.the bomb must have went off.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
The bed should most definitely be rocking when she gets in it....
Good lord two Christmas hams back there! Does this count as a doubles session?
bombshell??? Originally Posted by bule84
LOL !! Too funny !! She is a bomb nestled in that shell !!
doug_dfw's Avatar
Dang Tony You take my breath away A revelation! I thought you had the primo of primo!! You are just like us.