Ladies, what is your motivation for one-time only clients?

I would imagine that most ladies see a client one time only (a number of reasons play into this I'm sure).

The question are: what are your motivations for giving the client the best session you can? Do you do that, or just go through the motions since you'll never see him again? Other thoughts on this issue?
I would imagine that most ladies see a client one time only (a number of reasons play into this I'm sure).

The question are: what are your motivations for giving the client the best session you can? Do you do that, or just go through the motions since you'll never see him again? Other thoughts on this issue? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Meeting someone for the first time can be scary. I am not worried too much about LE or ax murderers, I am just naturally shy, and nervous with first time clients. I usually go into a first meeting with the hopes of it becoming a regular/semi regular situation.Most of my clients, including the virgins lol do repeat even if it is only once, or twice a year.If I knew from the start that there was absolutely no hope of a repeat I probably would just suggest he find another escort .It is just too much stress on my end for a one hit wonder lol.

Interesting question
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I'd put it all over him just so he would remember it 4 the rest of his life , that's a huge turn on just knowing when he closes his eyes at night ( or whenever)
He will b thinking of me .....
What's my motivation for one time only clients to have a great experience?

Two fold.

In one case - we may both go into the date thinking it's a one time only deal. However, that may not turn out to be true, to the surprise of either party. So I always assume there is a possibility of not just a second date, but meeting the next regular that I can have a blast with. Or one day be a mistress too. No one ever booked me with the premeditated idea "I want to see her often". My longest running mistress relationship booked me the first time with no intention of ever speaking to me after that date. Sometimes during that first meeting there's a major click. A second date happens to see if that vibe is still there, and then future dates could begin showing up. If I enter a first date jaded, then I kill any possibility of something good coming out of it.

On the other hand - one night stands can be a blast. I have a very fond memory of an Australian gentlemen I saw once, 7 years ago. I remember everything about him, what we ate for dinner, his name, the hotel and the room number he was staying in. I had an incredible time, one of the best dates I've ever had, and it's burned into my memory. So the motivation can be to simply have an awesome memory that will make me smile every time it pops into my head.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-13-2010, 10:12 AM
Sometimes you shouldn't ruin a great first date with a second!

atlcomedy's Avatar

Just so you know, while I think most of the ladies here are being genuine, they are not representative of escorts in general. That is most of the ladies here really do look for repeats and build their business around them.

I dare say if you got feedback from gals that primarily work the tourist/convention market, even at high prices, the answer is different. The same with gals from many agencies, etc.

Besides, who on a public board is going to say, "Well I strip him quick, pump him hard, let him in, moan a little and say a little prayer he cums quick?"
Besides, who on a public board is going to say, "Well I strip him quick, pump him hard, let him in, moan a little and say a little prayer he cums quick?" Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Well, my assumption is that your quote is the unspoken truth for providers that generally see one-time only clients. I was interested in what motivation, if any, existed for a session different than the one you describe. From what I've read, just the potential for turning him into a regular. Other than that, no motivation has been verbalized.
Tthe motivation can be to simply have an awesome memory that will make me smile every time it pops into my head. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
I go into basically every situation thinking like this. Of course, I love having long term clients and hope that every person I see will want to see me again. But given the nature of the relationship, I know that not everyone who participates in the Demimonde is looking for a new part-time girlfriend. So I go into every new situation hoping to give him (and me!) the absolute best how-ever-many-hours possible.
'I' want to have a great time....I mean, I know he has me on rental, and I should do my all to give him his moneys worth, but what it boils down to for me is that if 'I' am not enjoying myself, then why am I doing it?

Being there and having a hell of a great time is a whole lot better then being there and wishing it was all over and you were out of there.
69bobby69's Avatar
My initial intention was to be a one-time client. The experience, the thrill, and the ability to move on was my primary motivation. After several one-time sessions/searches, I found the person who makes me happy, provides the fantasy exactly as I have dreamt, and makes me want to reschedule almost as I am walking out the door. Each time I am with this provider, it gets better. I'll never say never, but at this point I have an ATF that is the ultimate provider to the extent that being a one-time client is no longer an issue.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Well, like Lauren suggested, you never know what might happen during an appointment. Even men who say that they're only going to be in Dallas this one time, well ... they could very well visit again. Even if it's in a couple of years.

So it's just good to try to be the best one can be.

Also, the memories of just good sex is GREAT. Many of us actually LIKE what we do and so, if we're a little addicted to sex, well it's a way to ease that itch. (Probably a poor choice of words)

And for us hourly women, there is always the concern for getting a bad review. Thankfully, it hasn't happened to me yet, but sometimes an appointment doesn't gel the way that you might hope that it would, even if you had a good feeling about it beforehand or go in with a good attitude.

When that happens, then you put on your happy face and make the best of it. And that does happen. To everyone, male and female.

I agree. Interesting question!!!
