Ladies and Gents when did you Start??
Ok ladies and gents;
How old were you when you gave a lady some cash for a good time???
I grew up in south texas ,about 90 miles from Laredo Texas, and went to boys town, and went back to back weekends and got caught by parents.
It was in the late 1960ss and i was a young teenager.
How old were you when you new you had a money maker???
Thanks for your time;
I assume you mean a straight up transaction. We both knew the deal etc. etc.
It was 2002 in New Awlins, LA.
Otherwise it was 1987. I think it cost me a couple games of duck duck goose, some bubble yum, garbage pail kids cards, and a snoopy sno cone machine.
Ok ladies and gents;
How old were you when you gave a lady some cash for a good time???
I grew up in south texas ,about 90 miles from Laredo Texas, and went to boys town, and went back to back weekends and got caught by parents.
It was in the late 1960ss and i was a young teenager.
How old were you when you new you had a money maker???
Thanks for your time;
Originally Posted by Captain Gus
nice, you're from the RGV? me too.
Grew up in McAllen, Texas.
I would say the first time was...1986 there was a place in 3rd Ward that looked like a funeral home from the outside. It was 55 for the girl and 45 for the room.
The Royal Order of etc..etc..etc. This place was on "City Under Siege" every week. The next time was February 2009...BELIEVE IT OR NOT!!??
ib, you paid too much.............ask ratboy. he would agree.
what can i say? i was still wet behind the ears back then
Too far back too remember
My first time, I went into a place that I thought was a massage place--a house on W. Alabama--but it was FS. The girl was named Mercedes; she was 25 and was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I was 44. She had me watching porn on a TV screen while I got ready; she came in, took off her clothes revealing the best natural breasts I have ever seen, and lay side by side. She was so expert that I didn't even notice her slipping on a cover. I immediately went into a MISH position with her, but I had read so much about STD's, that I would only go in half way--and I still came within seconds. As we got dressed, she said that she noticed that I had not gone down on her (DATY). I loved this session and, had I known then what I know now, I would have become a regular customer and done so much more with her. Instead, I never went back and to this day I think about that time and wonder what she is doing. She must look so much older now; my memories of a perfect time are better.
1978. I had recently separated with my first wife. (sorry CB, I didn't know you then) A friend of mine said he knew a fun-time lady and gave me her number. I called and she came right over. OMG, she was gorgeous too. It cost me a Grant, which was a lot of money for a kid my age in those days. But damn, it was worth it. My wife would have *NEVER* done those things. I've never been the same, I'm rernt!

Fall of 1972. I saw an ad in Houston Chronicle for a full body massage that listed a phone number. I called and talked to a 'therapist' who invited me to come over to their studio at a motel on 45N near Greenspoint. The first time was massage + with a hot young milf.
'88 or '89 Villa Acuna. An older friend took me my first time. We went a few times after that as well. Had a deer lease about 90 miles north of Del Rio. When that old man put his red suspenders on I knew we were steppin' out. He taught me how to behave, what to look out for, how to negotiate(he even picked out my first girl and damn she was hot) and most importantly how to have fun.
I miss that old man!
This is a great topic!
I started providing around February/March of 2008, and have been since, (I was 22).
Now, I wasn't like some virginal, innocent angel beforehand, but to be honest, I had never given a second thought to this industry, I actually didn't even know it existed until then!
Now look at me.
It would indeed be interesting if the ladies would tell us! One can understand they won't. Perhaps to an author or journalist, on condition of anonymity!
Perhaps especially fascinating is when what seems to be perfectly "normal," well-adjusted women, suburbean wives (or ex-wives), make the plunge, and prove to be good swimmers, too, without prior training!
But then, it is foolish to assume "normal" looking people can't be something else, behind the closed doors of normal looking residences: hot hot hot, kinky kinky kinky, dirty dirty dirty!
Economic crisis is probably a primary cause, though (?)
What is the proportion of ladies for whom it is basically a kind of avocation: like, they are taylor-made for the activity, like others are just made to be lawyers, doctors, soldiers, whatever?
For us guys, the answer is unlikely to be all that interesting.
First time for me, mid eighties (the decade), mid twenties (me), a street walker, somewhere in Europe: not at all particularly nice, my nervousness and shyness irritated her. The cause was circumstance. I walk out of a subway on my way to an appointment, and lo and behold, I am in the middle of a red light district. First impression: not positive at all, even turned off by odd looking creatures with too much make up, too much weight, and too many years trying to pull me in by the arm. But I went back to lurk, fascinated, and then made the plunge, with an attractive bitch.
First good experience: a high class call girl service in New York City, later subjected to a highly publicized police bust. Also mid-eighties. Second good experience, a few days later, another high class call girl, in San Francisco this time (same trip): what really made the difference was the psychology of these girls, the way they could figure you out (being mentally penetrated like that was itself a pleasure), and also know desires you had you don't even know you had!
Experiences like that are probably possible only when you are still young enough & with more experienced women.
Since then I have found you do not at all need HDH's to have top rate encounters. Indeed, good luck can occur at the most down-trodden massage studios, at prices that make you feel you are cheating the girl: in my case, the best have been: either dirty looking girls who were so utterly nasty and vicious I actually enjoyed it; or girls who are so genuinely nice and lovely, as well as serviceable: angels at the brothel.
Hello Victoria. How's Kelly? Did she drop out?
I'm still a newbie.
I'm working up the courage to partake in my first session....................... to follow.
But, I am learning.
Boystown in Laredo 1980 as part of a Frat trip from Austin. Modern times it was Nov 07. Great time, smooth transaction. Thank God for the good time. Would have been my last had it not worked out.
Love hearing from the ladies!