What's Your PERSONALITY Type??

tia travels's Avatar
Here's the rundown of possible answers:
ISTJ - Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Judgment
ISTP - Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Perception

ESTP - Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking, Perception
ESTJ - Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking, Judgment
ISFJ - Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Judgment
ISFP - Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Perception

ESFP - Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, Perception
ESFJ - Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, Judgment
INFJ - Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, Judgment
INFP - Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, Perception

ENFP - Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeling, Perception
ENFJ - Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeling, Judgment
INTJ - Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking, Judgment
INTP - Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking, Perception

ENTP - Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinking, Perception
ENTJ - Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinking, Judgment

Here's the link:

Here are "my" results:
Introvert(22%) Sensing(38%) Feeling(12%) Perceiving(22)%
Shellcracker's Avatar
Here are my results. I am not sure I totally agree with them. lol
introvert (67%) sensing (12%) thinking (12%) judging (44%)
tia travels's Avatar
You need to mark your results up top on the poll so we can see where much of the community is. Thanks for trying it out.
Mine is:
Extravert(22%) Sensing(25%) Thinking(12%) Judging(56%)
Okay, Mine are:

Introvert(33%) Intuitive(62%) Feeling(12%) Judging(44%)

  • You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (33%)
  • You have distinctive preference of Intuition over Sensing (62%)
  • You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (12%)
  • You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (44%)
Interesting...the above description really does sound like me.
Shellcracker's Avatar
Here are my results. I am not sure I totally agree with them. lol
introvert (67%) sensing (12%) thinking (12%) judging (44%) Originally Posted by Shellcracker

Here are my results. I am not sure I totally agree with them. lol
introvert (67%) sensing (12%) thinking (12%) judging (44%)
darter's Avatar
Introvert(11%) iNtuitive(38%) Thinking(12%) Judging(22%)
You have slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion (11%)
You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (38%)
You have slight preference of Thinking over Feeling (12%)
You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (22%)

Not sure I agree either, but it was interesting...
Laura Lynn's Avatar

Introvert(22%) Sensing(50%) Thinking(12%) Perceiving(22)%
  • You have slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion (22%)
  • You have moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition (50%)
  • You have slight preference of Thinking over Feeling (12%)
  • You have slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (22%)
Dang...are there other extrovert besides me?
Mine LOL
Extravert(44%) iNtuitive(31%) Feeling(25%) Judging(33%)