
Do you have higher expectations for yourself, or for the other person?

Like... in a boyfriend/girlfriend, client/provider, mister/mistress, relationship........

do you try to smell better than the person you're meeting?
do you try to taste better than them?
look better or dress to impress?
have a better attitude than them?

When it comes down to it, do you set the bar high for yourself, or do you expect the other person to have their shit together?
For me personally I expect not only myself to bring my A game but their A game as well.
I wanna feel like I am the only man she has seen etc etc and vice versa
It's a two-way street, PS.
Do you have higher expectations for yourself, or for the other person?

Like... in a boyfriend/girlfriend, client/provider, mister/mistress, relationship........

do you try to smell better than the person you're meeting?
do you try to taste better than them?
look better or dress to impress?
have a better attitude than them?

When it comes down to it, do you set the bar high for yourself, or do you expect the other person to have their shit together? Originally Posted by PleasantSurprise
Excellent topic PS! Personally, I set the bar really high for myself but I think that is just part of my nature. I've always been hard on myself. Throughout school, I felt I had to get the best grades, I had to be more athletic than anyone and I always strived to be the best behaved child in our household.

To this day, I will shop for the best smelling perfumes and I dress to perfection and my makeup looks professionally done. I will check myself in the mirror until I walk out the door!

I make it a point to provide the best date every single date. Even if I've had a bad day, nobody would ever know. But, I also want my date/boyfriend to have his shit together too. It bugs the hell out of me if he don't. Soooo, I guess ultimately, I try to be better than the next person but I am picky, so I also expect a lot from those I accompany myself with.
omgnametaken's Avatar
I try to be at least on par with the person I'm meeting with, it's only polite to do so. I do set the bar high for myself and I expect the other person to have their shit together as well.
+100 Was thinking the samething
It's a two-way street, PS. Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
I try not to fart more than once every couple of minutes....
I try not to fart more than once every couple of minutes.... Originally Posted by Kshunter
Eewww, gross!
Guest012814's Avatar
I wouldn't use the word expect but I certainly like the provider I'm seeing to be clean, well groomed, smelling great, taste great with great personal hygiene, wearing what I've requested or at least something sexy and provocative and have an engaged, fun attitude.

Since that what I like, it's only fair that I hold myself to the same standard. As such, I'm always freshly groomed, well dressed, smelling good and bring a no drama fun attitude with me. Whether it be in my hobby life or my personal life, I NEVER ask anyone to do something or fulfill expectations I'm not willing to do or fulfill myself.

The main part for me though is I like to feel good and confident in my meetings. Great sex is not about the menu, it's about the attitudes both you and provider have and the chemistry between you.
Putting my best foot forward by always being fresh, clean, well presented and leaving any outside life drama at the door makes me feel more comfortable and confident as a person. When I'm feeling confident etc I'm not faking anything and the chemistry between myself and the woman is all the better for it.

It's not what you look like on the outside that counts, it's the attitude you project from how you feel because of how you look that matters.

The only true expectation I have of a provider is to be drama free, be fun and enthusiastic during our time together and be honest. Don't promise things you know you aren't willing to do. Going in thinking certain menu items are definitely available then being told "no I don't do this or that" is one of the biggest disappointments and turn offs for me.
If something is YMMV (Greek falls into this category a lot) just be honest about it. I respect a provider much more if she's up front and honest about a request and says "that's a YMMV thing. I'm open to the idea and willing to try that but I won't promise it or anything. We'll just see how it goes once we get together."
Eewww, gross! Originally Posted by Gemma34

Once, several years ago, I was the audience for a butt burp by one of KC's highest-dollar providers at a very ill-timed moment during a session. I laughed.

Once, several years ago, I was the audience for a butt burp by one of KC's highest-dollar providers at a very ill-timed moment during a session. I laughed. Originally Posted by Kshunter
LMAO!! Once I was ......oh wait..... Oh .......nevermind, what am I saying?? I never burp or fart! What in the world!?
bp6570's Avatar

Once, several years ago, I was the audience for a butt burp by one of KC's highest-dollar providers at a very ill-timed moment during a session. I laughed. Originally Posted by Kshunter
I hope it wasn't during 69.... that could leave a mark.
Topgun007's Avatar
I bring my "A" game for every single date. I shower, check my nails, brush my teeth, on time, and many more details. I bring a positive attitude, to learn, explore, and push my boundaries all while having fun!Attitude is a huge part of it.

So, I expect her to bring her "A" game.
If she does not I won't go back. To date, there are only a few providers that I would go back to.
All the others never brought their "A" game, so bye bye.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Who do I have higher expecations for? Myself always.....the higher expecations SHOULD be on the provide (imo).
In other types of relationships about equal. AND the bar for yourself should always be pretty high in any relationship. In the hobby in particular even if you're in good standing you should do your damndest to keep it that way. Never get too comfortable with your "status"/how good you think you are.

Do you have higher expectations for yourself, or for the other person?

Like... in a boyfriend/girlfriend, client/provider, mister/mistress, relationship........

do you try to smell better than the person you're meeting?
do you try to taste better than them?
look better or dress to impress?
have a better attitude than them?

When it comes down to it, do you set the bar high for yourself, or do you expect the other person to have their shit together? Originally Posted by PleasantSurprise
I'm. The purchase. Expect the best. And hope for the perfect. Although, don't always get perfection! Lmfao!!