Old Weekly Lineup and Provider Adds

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  • TRIN
  • 10-04-2013, 06:33 PM
Just curious on something. I hang out in the Houston forum, which is pretty heavily trafficked and rich in content. When I cruise the Weekly Lineup and the Provider Adds, I never go more than a page or two deep in the content. I really never look at anything older than a week. Yet there are hundreds of pages of old content in the Weekly Lineup and the Provider Adds. And it goes back to 2010. Does somebody read this?
When you go to the Kentucky forum, there are only 3 pages. I know there is a lot going on, just not on eccie. What you need is on the first page.
Mods, why do you save all this old stuff? The girls either have changed their photos, rates have changed, contacts changed….., you know.
Isn’t this a resource hog? Just asking. Keep them for a month or two and then delete.