Im sure there are many who will enjoy the shit out of what I am about to say and to those individuals I say I am glad to brighten your day... even if it has to be at the expense of my own saftey.
I was released from University Hospital Sat after being taken in for a head injury which resulted from a man acosting ne and pushing my head through my bedroom window. Bleeding profusely and in shock i was unable to chase him or react in a way that could alert anyone to his presence thus leaving no witnesses to the intruder. My caR has also been vandalized... the steering column busted as if someone attempted to steal it. My wallet was stolen along with my phone... i have replaced it as well as my hobby phone. I was originally going to be evicted but was informed i could stay by the Grace of God. I don want to answer tireless questions about who what when why or hear anymore accusations that this is MY fault... no woman deserves to be brutalized in such a manner period.
I said i would never beg for money and it looks as if i am about to eat that statement. I need help, and for anyone who ever found anything they actually liked about me... this goes out to you. CK has been my mentor and trusted advisor since day one of my entry into this world. If you can and are willing to help... please contact him. I wont hold my breath or have any high expectations since i know the majority of the population here hates me. I just thought there was a chance i touched the hearts of a few in a positive way and could pull those heart strings for some help. Thank you for your time...