How does football effect the hobby

I might not be the ideal judge for this because I am usually not a full-time provider. When the Saints win, I have been doing very well. I am sure tonight will not be as great! Lol , it would be hard to compare a home game vs one far away though.

Guys, are you more likely to see a provider after a win vs loss? How about a home game vs an away game? That was a hard loss to swallow, btw! No pun intended.
gimme_that's Avatar
If they lose they may take out their sexual frustration and misplaced teststerone and grudge fuck to avoid incident................they refrain........
What is this football you speak of? Is it similar to snowball?

And is home game and away game new code for incall and outcall?
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
I love football--but really, it's not important enough to me to affect my sex drive. I mean--I love watching it on TV, but it's... a game. It's entertainment. Maybe there's guys it affects more, but for me? Win, lose, makes no difference to whether I'm horny or not or make a call or not: based on rest, diet, exercise, available funds & available time.

Actually rest to me is the biggest factor: if I'm beat, I'm not calling, even though a FBSM would feel amazing--I'd fall asleep & the poor girl wouldn't be able to wake me up to get me to go home. Not really fair to her now is it?
I suppose everyone is different, but the local regulars definitely seem to come out of the woodwork after a win from what I see.
Did I mention that was the worst ending to a Saint's game....
LA Man's Avatar
Who needs football when sex is available! Only way it effects me is if I am with a provider and she stops what she is doing to see what's happening on the Tv.......
DallasRain's Avatar
Who needs football when sex is available! Only way it effects me is if I am with a provider and she stops what she is doing to see what's happening on the Tv....... Originally Posted by LA Man

that is what doggy-style is

Heidi--not sure if the football season affects hobbying.....but I assume that most guys are gonna be tuned in to their fave game,especially if it is a winning team.