Review: TS Catalina/Erica

Date: last week
Provider: TS Catalina on Eros/Erica on BP
Phone: 832 452 7036
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Houston
State: Texas
Address: Westheimer and Dunveil
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes
Activities: See ROS
Session Length: 25 minutes
Fee: 200
Hair Color and Length: Blond braided on her head
Age: late 20's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: 5'6" 128lbs, 34 c, body as hard as a cement block, no fat at all.
Recommendation: No
ZedX79's Avatar
The Motley Fool's Avatar

Here you go. I believe this is her. I definitely would have passed on her.

@OP next time give Cindy a try. The girl is hot, and she knows how to fuck. Cums a lot too. Did I mention she's gorgeous.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Because I'm female, moderator or not, I cannot see the ROS. However, I did see the "no" recommendation.

Sorry that it didn't work out for you.

mm-good's Avatar
Yep, Sorry about that one :/

I took a chance and ventured to the TS world...a little.

Review to come.


Is there a limit to what we can say in the non-ROS? This being Another Realm and all, I am ok to share with in the rules with all in The Realm.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Is there a limit to what we can say in the non-ROS? This being Another Realm and all, I am ok to share with in the rules with all in The Realm.[/B] Originally Posted by mm-good;1054236098...

There really isn't a limit. Just following the general guidelines, and avoiding the taboo topics, are really all that one needs to know.

In Another Realm, and I'm not sure that the owners meant for this to happen (they're all uber cool!), but ladies and well, anyone can make comments. It's just an easier forum, overall.

Plus, about 99.99% of the time, the people who participate in alternative activities are just better behaved. That's why you rarely see "drama" in this forum.

It's one of those oddities in the bdsm world. Even at special events, the general attitude is one of mutual respect. I see that attitude reflected in this forum as well.

Therefore, with alternative reviews, some men will actually post ROS comments. They will do it separately from their review "forms" and I really don't know how filling out a review works. (I have a vague idea but that's all)

In the past, we've been greatly entertained, and aroused, by reading the nitty gritty details.

And we gals LOVE every minute of it!

I do appreciate it when men post their experiences in Another Realm for all to enjoy.

Take care,
mm-good's Avatar
There really isn't a limit. Just following the general guidelines, and avoiding the taboo topics, are really all that one needs to know.

In Another Realm, and I'm not sure that the owners meant for this to happen (they're all uber cool!), but ladies and well, anyone can make comments. It's just an easier forum, overall.

Plus, about 99.99% of the time, the people who participate in alternative activities are just better behaved. That's why you rarely see "drama" in this forum.

It's one of those oddities in the bdsm world. Even at special events, the general attitude is one of mutual respect. I see that attitude reflected in this forum as well.

Therefore, with alternative reviews, some men will actually post ROS comments. They will do it separately from their review "forms" and I really don't know how filling out a review works. (I have a vague idea but that's all)

In the past, we've been greatly entertained, and aroused, by reading the nitty gritty details.

And we gals LOVE every minute of it!

I do appreciate it when men post their experiences in Another Realm for all to enjoy.

Take care,
Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

Thanks a million. I just realized I did this on the tail of a review !
I appreciate very much the feedback and I think I can avoid the taboo topics - pretty much do even in ROS. I'll give it a shot and share my 1st time TS experience. It is odd being such a 'noob' in certain areas but very fun
Woo Hoo!!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Thanks a million. I just realized I did this on the tail of a review !
I appreciate very much the feedback and I think I can avoid the taboo topics - pretty much do even in ROS. I'll give it a shot and share my 1st time TS experience. It is odd being such a 'noob' in certain areas but very fun
Woo Hoo!! Originally Posted by mm-good
Topic segues are encouraged in this forum, too. (We're good at misbehaving in a nice fashion!)

Looking forward to reading about your experience! Yippee!
EW, my NO was more from her not meeting my expectations of GFE and FBSM services as stated in her Eros ad. If I was looking for an aggressive top then she would have filled the bill and I would have given her a Yes recommendation.