Iliana stood me up twice.

I'm new. Contacted Illiana a few days to see if she was alright seeing a newbie, she said yeah so we work out an appointment for the next day. I show up at the right time and place, she never calls or messages me to cancel, but the appointment doesn't happen.

It's a little frustrating, but I'm a nice guy and pretty patient, so I just let it go.

Today I saw her online, figure I'll try to see if we can reschedule. I was surprised, but she said yes so we set an appointment up. Again, no call or message to cancel but nothing happened.

I wouldn't mind if someone cancels, especially seeing as that I'm new. The risk is all on the girl. But at least have the respect for my time and tell me that you're going to cancel.

Just frustrated. Sorry for the rant.

If there are any newbie friendly providers out there who won't do the same, please let me know.
This does not qualify as an Alert.
Okay, thanks Dave.

If a moderator could move this to the appropriate forum, that would be good
Same thing here.
Two cancelations, one w/lame excuse, 1 NCNS. It's a shame too, because I had a great session with her once, and she is really pretty and sexy.
buck14pt's Avatar
If it is not an alert what is it. She is standing members up, so to speak.
I am newbie friendly and would love to break you in
Fingerling's Avatar
Did you call before you leave? Always verify that she is ready to see you in 15-20 min or however long it takes for you to get there.
It's an alert, the alert is that not all of these girls have any business sense. Lol , quit expecting a hooker to be Donald trump. Chalk it up to the game
harkontume's Avatar
One should never be "stood up " twice.

Because if it is NCNS , don't try again.
Unlucky? Maybe fatefully lucky?
Moving to Coed as this does not qualify as an Alert.
