A good client....

Precious_b's Avatar
Thanks for the link.

Frankly, I didn't read it. But that was because of the time on my part it would require at the moment.

Will go back to it. Seems like they have a bonanza of good reading.
Tekase's Avatar
I have read this multiple times, and I agree with some of it, but strongly disagree with it as well.

Things I agreed with.
1. Recognizes the escort as an individual (this is a no brainer, but I guess it does need to be said.)

2. Pays correctly and is clean (again, a no brainer)

3. Understands screening (safety first for EVERYONE, in all aspects)

4. Respects an escort’s time (this goes both ways!!!)

5. Is discreet

6. Doesn't need to make bribes (Nothing wrong with tipping, but should not be why the provider sees you)

7. Doesn't push boundaries

Things I don't agree with
1. Doesn't haggle (Why would you not ask for a cheaper rate, it is not disrespectful or demeaning, it is good business sense, just don't harass the girl about it, ask, if she declines, pay her asking rate)

2. Understands the mystery of chemistry (I am paying you to have chemistry with me, period. It's your job as a provider.)

3. Is good company (seriously, does this even matter? Again, I am paying you to keep things going / move things along.)

4. Sees the escort more than once (why is this a factor, so basically no first time client is ever a good client?)

Basically, not only do I have to pay you, I have to be a good conversationalist, be charming, be good company, see you more than once, regardless if I like you or not, and can never ask for a discount, even if the service is only so-so, or else I am a bad client.

Again, what am I paying for then?

Just my worthless 2 cents.
I see your point...but I must say this..I have great reviews and.could easily ask 3 or 4 an he...but I also remind myself what it takes to earn that hr... So I ask 250..but most often I ask 2 an hr..When girls are asking such high donation( get it girls if that's your thing) I feel I'm reasonable so for me..to haggle is an insult..charming good company simply means respectful.. There are girls that have crazy rules but as a general (if you do YOUR homework) there should be some chemistry to start..this is where I would say communication is key..you are right..you are paying for a service..also remember some girls ate here for the money and can't act..others enjoy it and don.t need to act..it all comes down to communicate and be respectful..give what you would like..don't ask me for minty breath and show up with onion garlic breath..on tips..well I'm sure I'm on the lower end of the donation pile..so I don't expect but totally appreciate tips..I personally say tip if you reasonably donated and got A1 service..gifts..while I've personally never been given a gift..and would probably take anything( not to be rude) the best gift for me is green or plastic..this way there's no chance I don't like what I got.
Just my 3 cents .. :P
Don't know about anyone else but 250/hr seems out of family for my area and 200/hr is rare. I think it's great I you can get it but that's not what I see in Huntsville.
Tekase's Avatar
I see your point...but I must say this..I have great reviews and.could easily ask 3 or 4 an he...but I also remind myself what it takes to earn that hr... So I ask 250..but most often I ask 2 an hr..When girls are asking such high donation( get it girls if that's your thing) I feel I'm reasonable so for me..to haggle is an insult..charming good company simply means respectful.. There are girls that have crazy rules but as a general (if you do YOUR homework) there should be some chemistry to start..this is where I would say communication is key..you are right..you are paying for a service..also remember some girls ate here for the money and can't act..others enjoy it and don.t need to act..it all comes down to communicate and be respectful..give what you would like..don't ask me for minty breath and show up with onion garlic breath..on tips..well I'm sure I'm on the lower end of the donation pile..so I don't expect but totally appreciate tips..I personally say tip if you reasonably donated and got A1 service..gifts..while I've personally never been given a gift..and would probably take anything( not to be rude) the best gift for me is green or plastic..this way there's no chance I don't like what I got.
Just my 3 cents .. :P Originally Posted by Lucky Lady
I don't disagree with you at all. But for clarification, I have never asked for a discount or haggled with a provider specifically. Although it is common in some areas to post in the ISO forum for review specials etc.

I was thinking more in general, say a client has set a hard limit of $180, and you charge $200, if he sends you a message saying he only has 180, would you consider seeing him anyway or do you find that insulting? Anything more than that, I can see where it would be insulting, but some guys just like to set limits on their selves.

But I think you are dead on for the most part, I was just playing devils advocate a little bit