Working out!

Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Is anyone else like me? I hate going to the gym and working out. I really want to get in awesome shape though.

So this are my options , body sculpturing! lypo, tummy tuck Or going to the gym!

Lypo would be the easiest way, maybe we can get a group together and get a discount!

Or last option, wild fucking sex three hours a day, has to be none stop! :laughbo unce2:

Anyone else want to get in shape with me?
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 10-23-2013, 12:31 AM already have an awesome bod. You just need to work to keep it.

Here's what works for me:

Find some politician who is usually saying stupid shit that you really hate.

Find the news channel that has him on the most.

Park your treadmill in front of the tv. Load up all the pockets/cup holders with nerf footballs.

Put this asshole on screen, crank up the tread mill, and pretend you are chasing after and throwing hand grenades at the sonofabitch. Good exercise and very cathartic.

3 non stop hours of sex with YOU would be a good workout for you, and a death sentence for any male that attempted it!
snowbeard's Avatar already have an awesome bod. You just need to work to keep it.

Here's what works for me:

Find some politician who is usually saying stupid shit that you really hate.

Find the news channel that has him on the most.

Park your treadmill in front of the tv. Load up all the pockets/cup holders with nerf footballs.

Put this asshole on screen, crank up the tread mill, and pretend you are chasing after and throwing hand grenades at the sonofabitch. Good exercise and very cathartic.

3 non stop hours of sex with YOU would be a good workout for you, and a death sentence for any male that attempted it! Originally Posted by hgritstoo

But if you need a workout partner for the 3-hour option, I'd be willing to try. I wouldn't even charge my regular rate!
I can always pinch hit then play a position on the field.
Last time I saw Y I lost 2 lbs. True weighed b4 and after.
strawberrycar934's Avatar
There is an interim step that many people miss before going to the gym.

I have never understood the attitude that you can't join the gym until you are in shape. It is like waiting to start a diet until after you have lost the weight.

But if you don't like gyms (and many folks don't) there are a myriad of workouts that can be done with bodyweight

As you progress out of bodyweight exercises, you can create some simple devices. An one gallon milk jug filled with sand, dirt or water can make a faux kettlebell (and the list of kettlebell exercises is insanely long).

Grab your broom hold it above your head and perform deep squats, you will tone your core and feel a burn - with no weight.
Last time I saw Y I lost 2 lbs. True weighed b4 and after. Originally Posted by windowsidiot
I've seen Y too. So I know what you mean. I estimate you lost 24 oz of sweat and 8 oz of cum.
I workout over lunch as it's the only time I really have and full energy.

Agree though with Strawberry you don't have to join a gym and I used to hate the gym but the one I go to now isn't too bad.

If you like to watch tv one thing that helps motivate me is to only watch certain shows I like when I'm on the treadmill. Gives me something to look forward to instead of the actual running.

Good luck!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Going to the gym or at home I vote for working out. Fitting into that dress is nice but if you can bounce a quarter off of your butt or you have that tight stomach that's where it's at.
The older you get diet becomes more and more important.
Also for those of you contemplating liposuction have you ever heard of cool sculpting? It's being advertised around here.