Found this one day and thought it was funny. It's crudely drawn but that's the beauty of it. Since we have a few Star Wars fans on here I thought they and others might get a laugh from this series. It would have been great to see it roll through the entire Star Wars Trilogy but it's only ten episodes (panels). It looks to have been done around 2000. Not sure what happened to the author as the page has a few other things but afterwards, nada.
You guys all have a great weekend! Enjoy the parody below.
thanks. fun and corny. it is strange i got a hand spanking when i used the word pimp once. someone told me to use the word butler. so i did. this was before the movie came out. not long ago i got a warning for using butler. the mod said i was being racist. i told him butlers can be black,white,hispanic,and asian. i am not racist. butlers can also be male,female,and trans. anyway the word pimp is every where in your thread. maybe u or our friends can tell me if i can use butler again