The Delusionary Military

In 2005, a change in military law made it illegal for anyone in the military to patronize a prostitute — even where such businesses are legal. Under those rules, someone found guilty of the offense can get a dishonorable discharge, be forced to forfeit all pay and allowances and spend up to a year in jail.

Why have any law that is not enforced or not enforceable?
jokacz's Avatar
Don't they also have a law against adultery?

Military Intelligence, the original oxymoron.

Remember Viet Nam? What makes you think anything has changed?
JohnnyCap's Avatar
After Tiger Woods got busted by his wife, I had a military dude in the place I was working telling me how that shit doesn't happen in the military, that all the guys look out for each other and if one of them was disrespecting his wife, he was disrespecting all if them.

Since I didn't own the business, and he was a customer, I didn't tell him he was a full of shit racist jealous of Tiger's big cock and bigger golf game.