
Are tattoos frowned upon my guys? I feel like I do not get any new people because of them BUT I love them. Check out my site and give me some feedback on how to improve it. Thanks
hubby4fun_85's Avatar
Variety is the spice of life. As long as the tats are tasteful I don't mind them. I don't think I would turn a lady down because of a tatoo unless it was extremely offensive. You have an extremely hot body which I know i would enjoy exploring. Maybe I would find some tats that don't show in your showcase pics!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I have no problem with tats....below the neck.
I have changed my opinion over the years as they have become more mainstream.
Tasteful body art can be both beautiful and suggestive on a lady. As long as it is done well, and is not offensive, I am fine with it.
Thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate it